Externe DozentInnen

Dr. Elena Scolnaia

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Dr. Elena Scolnaia was an external doctoral candidate at the Chair of ABWL / Strategic and International Management of Prof. Dr

Mike Geppert from November 2014 to January 2019. She successfully completed her doctorate (title of the dissertation: Exploring modern R&D networks in automotive MNC - linking dynamic capabilities and networks) at FSU Jena in January 2019. During her doctoral studies, she worked from 2014 to 2020 in the commercial vehicle sector at Daimler Truck AG in the area of strategy development for R&D and as well as in the strategic product planning. Since November 2020, she has assumed the project lead role for fuel cell systems at cell centric GmbH & Co. KG - A Daimler Truck & Volvo Group Company.



We are very pleased that she is currently in charge of the Master's module MW16.3 Advanced Comparative International Management in WS21/22.