Externe DoktorandInnen

  • Adarsh Kumar

    He has an undergraduate degree in Humanities and Social Sciences from the Cluster Innovation Center of the University of Delhi in India. Besides, he has an MA and an MPhil degree in Development Studies from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Guwahati and the University of Cambridge, respectively. Kumar Adarsh also have a postgraduate degree in Labour Studies from the Center of Informal Sector and Labour Studies of the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.

    He worked with national and local governmental and non-governmental organizations in India, including the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation at the Government of India, NITI Aayog, Kudumshree- Kerala CSDS-New Delhi, International Association of Volunteer Efforts (IAVE), Oxford Microfinance Initiative-Oxford and a few others.

    Kumar Adarsh has a research interest in Future of work and the Political Economy of the Internet and Digitalization. At present, he intends to explore how artificially intelligent decision-making impacts workers' wellbeing and transforms organizations.

    He has presented his papers at several national and international conferences in India and abroad, including the Annual Banking Conference of Bangladesh Central Bank, Annual Public policy Conference at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and Young Researcher's conference Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi. Besides, he has been a presenter on inequality and the digital divide at Cambridge Society for Social and Economic Development (CAMSED), at the Center of Development Studies, Cambridge.

  • Lubna Elbatawy

    Lubna Elbatawy is an external PhD student at the Chair of Strategic and International Management, since October 2020. She received her bachelor and master degree in management technology from the German University in Cairo (GUC). Her master dissertation has been recently published in the Journal of Social Responsibility. Starting in 2020 she began working as a junior consultant in the Orgateam GmbH. She primarily works in the fields of digitalization and strategy where she designs and manages consultancy services related with the digital transformation of organizations and digital business models.

    From 2015 till 2019, she worked as research associate in the strategic management department of the Faculty of Management Technology in the GUC and taught several courses in this area. Further, she has participated in a number of international workshops at the International Aviation Organization (ICAO) due her research in the field of aviation industry.

    Research Interests:

    • International Business
    • Buiness Modell Innovation
    • Digital Transformation
    • Entrepreneurship