Assoziierte Wissenschaftler

Prof. Dr. Christoph Dörrenbächer

Christoph Dörrenbächer

Foto: Christoph Dörrenbächer

Tel.: +49-30-30877-1491

Christoph Dörrenbächer is a full Professor of Organizational Design and Behaviour in International Business at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (Department of Business and Economics), Berlin/Germany since 2010. Previously he worked as a consultant and research fellow at various organizations in Germany and abroad, including the Social Science Research Centre, Berlin and the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Visiting appointments were with the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (New York), the Central European University (Budapest) and the Manchester Metropolitan University. He holds a PhD from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Free University, Berlin.

His research focus is on critical international business, power and politics in multinational corporations as well as on industrial relations, headquarters-subsidiary relationships and careers in multinational corporations. He has published widely in renowned international academic journals including The British Journal of Management, International Business Review, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of World Business, Organization Studies, Management International Review and Journal of International Management.

He currently serves as co-editor-in-chief of the journal 'critical perspectives on international business' (copib) and he is the founding director of the 'Berlin Institute for International Business Studies' (BIIBS).


Honorarprof. Dr. Albert Maringer

Albert Maringer

Foto: Albert Maringer

Tel.: +49 (0)3641 9-43160

Prof. Dr. Albert Maringer hält Vorlesungen auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftsinformatik und der Internationalen Wirtschaft.

  • 1945 geboren in Reinbek/Hamburg
  • ab 1961 verschiedene Tätigkeiten im Hause Siemens (Montage, Werkstätten, F&E, Fertigung, Vertrieb, Marketing, Strategische Planung, General Management)
  • 1969 Studium Elektrotechnik: Ing.-grad mit Auszeichnung
  • 1987 Studium BWL + VWL: Abschluss Dipl.-Oek.
  • 1993 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol.
  • seit 1994 Lehrauftrag an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
  • 2000 - 2006 Siemens Canada Ltd.; President & CEO; President Siemens Group of Companies in Canada
  • 05/2005 Bestellung zum Honorarprofessor an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
  • 2014 Verleihung des Bundesverdienstkreuzes am Bande, 23.04.2014