Research news


  • 40th EGOS Colloquium „Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People” at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy), July 4-6, 2024
    40th EGOS Colloquium
    40th EGOS Colloquium

    Presentation of working papers and participation in pre-Colloquium PhD workshop

    Elisabeth Bethge and Sarah Bützler attended this year’s EGOS pre-Colloquium PhD workshops on July 2nd as well as this year’s EGOS conference presenting their recent research projects.

    Elisabeth Bethge gave a presentation on her current project, “Local Contexts Shaping Global Ideas: Uberization in the Discourse of Nations,” co-authored with Mike Geppert. This presentation was featured in Sub-theme 84: “Work and Employment at Multiple Crossroads: Building Better Futures from the Present”.

    Sarah Bützler presented a working paper titled “Hazy, suppressed, and lived stigma—Making sense of the individual formation of stigma in a stigmatizable context” (written together with Jan Goldenstein, Daniel Pastuh and Mike Geppert) in sub-theme 5 “Multi-Level Approaches to Social Evaluations: From the Micro to the Macro and Back”.

  • European Academy of Management (EURAM), University of Bath, June 25-28, 2024
    Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert und Andrea Dietl
    Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert und Andrea Dietl
    Foto: privat

    Andrea Dietl and Mike Geppert presented the paper "Conflicts over private property: discursive struggles about the establishment of private professional men’s football league in Europe", based on their research project funded by the DFG, at the Panel “Beyond good and evil: unravelling the bright and the dark sides of organizational power” of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), University of Bath (25.-28.06.2024).

  • 2nd virtual PDW at the 17th of June 2024
    Participants of the 2nd virtual PDW
    Participants of the 2nd virtual PDW
    Foto: privat

    After the initial virtual PDW at the 1st of December 2023, where the first chapter ideas were presented and discussed, the editors – Ödul Bozkurt (Sussex), Christoph Dörrenbächer (Berlin) and Mike Geppert (Jena) of a new volume of the Research in the SociologyExterner Link of Orgnizations on 'Reinterpreting Multinational Enterprises through a Revitalized Transnational Social Space Perspective', organized the 2nd all-day virtual PDW at the 17th of June 2024.  The participants presented their further developed chapter drafts, followed by comments from the editors and a discussant and group discussions. 

  • PDW “Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data” on the 6th and 7th May 2024 at Stockholm School of Economics
    PDW “Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data”
    PDW “Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data”
    Foto: privat

    At the PDW “Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data” on the  6th and 7th May 2024 at Stockholm School of Economics, Mike Geppert presented a joint paper with Jan Goldenstein and Lennart Jasper. Our paper titled “Ownership concentration in organizations of public interest: The case of European professional men’s football” is an outcome of an ongoing subproject (B03), which is part of the SFB 294 “Structural change of property.”

  • Journal of Management Studies Conference "Interdisciplinarity in Management Research: Premises, Pitfalls, and Promises" at the University of Edinburg, March 5-6, 2024
    Presentation at JMS Conference 2024
    Presentation at JMS Conference 2024
    Foto: privat

    During the 2024 Journal of Management Studies Conference, focusing on "Interdisciplinarity in Management Research: Premises, Pitfalls, and Promises," held from March 5th to 6th at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Elisabeth Bethge funded by the Karen Legge Bursary Scheme presented on of her recent research projects. Her conceptual approach, entitled “Advancing the Frames of Reference: Synthesizing Employment Dynamics through Management, Organization, and Social Sciences” addressed how employment phenomena can be framed more internationally and critical way. This research contributes to the broader conference theme by examining changes in employment dynamics through the lenses of the Frames of Reference by Alan Fox.

  • External Examiner at German International University
    Prof. Dr. Florian Becker-Ritterspach and Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert
    Prof. Dr. Florian Becker-Ritterspach and Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert
    Foto: privat

    From the 25th to 29th January 2024, Professor Mike Geppert visited the German University in Cairo (GIU), based in the New Capital quarter. He acted as an External Examiner at GIU Bachelor Thesis defenses. Also, he discussed research projects and collaborative ventures with the Founding Dean, Professor Becker-Ritterspach of the Faculty of Business Administration.


  • Paper Development Workshop SFB-294 - TPB 03

    Mike Geppert hielt am 23.11.23 im Rahmen der Reihe „Online-Talk Fußball“ einen Vortrag für StipendiatInnen der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung zum Thema „Einfluss privater Investitionen im europäischen Profifußball und daraus resultierende Konflikte“. Die Veranstaltung wurde von den Referenten der Stiftung Pascal Geißler und Alexander Kejo organisiert und moderiert.

  • Conference "Conflicts Over Property" at the University of Erfurt, October 4-6, 2023

    In our sub-panel 4.1 on 'The role of, and the conflict over, private property in professional football – Germany and England compared' at the annual conference of the Collaborative Research Centre Structural Change of Property - SFB 294 in Erfurt from the 4th to the 6th of October 2023, Andrea Dietl and Prof. Mike Geppertt will present the first findings of our subproject investigating the similarities and differences between the two countries in terms of (trans-)national regulation, corporate governance, and ownership structures and how these structures trigger political struggles and conflicts with critical stakeholders, e.g. with fans and members. Our two expert panel members, Prof. Christoph Breuer (German Sport University Cologne, Germany) and Dr. David Webber (Solent University Southampton, UK), will comment on the findings while presenting their research on the politics of ownership structures in the two leagues.

    Mehr erfahrenpdf, 177 kb
  • WORK2023 from the 23rd to the 25th of August 2023 in Turku (Finland)

    Sarah Bützler attended this year’s WORK2023 conference from the 23rd to the 25th of August 2023 at the University of Turku (Finland). She presented a working paper titled “’Just a Job’: Individual Perception of and Response to Core Stigma in the Gig Economy” (written together with Jan Goldenstein, Daniel Pastuh and Mike Geppert).

  • 39th EGOS Colloquium „Organizing for the Goof Life: Between Legacy and Imagination” in University of Cagliary (Italy), July 6-8, 2023

    In the subtheme "A Good Life for the Fluid Workforce: Illusion or Reality?" at this year's EGOS conference, Elisabeth Bethge presented a current project from her Ph.D. research titled "Voices beyond the road: A comparison of online employee voice in traditional transport and the ride-sharing industry." This research aims to delve into the impact of fluid work facilitated by digital business models on online employee voice, comparing it to the traditional passenger transport industry in the UK.


  • Call For Papers für eine Special in Critical Perspectives on International Business (CPoIB)

    Call For Papers für eine Special in Critical Perspectives on International Business (CPoIB)  zum Thema “Multinational Corporations and Grand Challenges: Part of the problem, part of the solution?”. 

    Mehr erfahrenpdf, 452 kb


  • Conference “Towards Constructive Intercultural Management” at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul
    Conference Istanbul
    Conference Istanbul
    Foto: privat

    Professor Mike Geppert took part at the Conference “Towards Constructive Intercultural Management” at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul from the 7th to the 9th of October 2021. Together with Ödül Bozkurt (Univ. of Sussex) he presented a paper on “Culture and the future of International Business Management Research. 

  • 16th Vaasa (virtual) IB Conference on the 18th of August 2021

    Professor Mike Geppert took part at the Panel on “Another Research Agenda in International Business and Management? - What Does Actually Need to Change and What Can Be Done in Practice?” at the 16th Vaasa (virtual) IB Conference on the 18th of August 2021. His presentation was titled “The promises and prospects of thinking outside the box”.

  • Klub & Live-Stream - Who owns football? - University of Zurich
    Who owns football?
    Who owns football?
    Screenshot: University of Zurich

    Mittwoch, 09.06.2021 um 20:00 Uhr

    im Klub & Live-Stream

    Mehr erfahrenExterner Link
  • Prof. Mike Geppert has been appointed as Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Journal "International Business Review" from January 2021 onwards

    Prof. Mike Geppert has been appointed as Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Journal "International Business Review" from January 2021 onwards.

    Mehr erfahrenExterner Linken
  • „Who owns football?“ – Die Rolle mächtiger Anspruchsgruppen und nationaler Institutionen im Wandel von Eigentumsstrukturen des europäischen Fußballs

    Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert und Kenny Böswetter erforschen in einem Teilprojekt im Rahmen des neuen SFB-Transregio 294 den Wandel von Eigentumsstrukturen in Fußballclubs und dessen Wirkungen

    Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fördert seit Beginn dieses Jahres den Sonderforschungsbereich-Transregio 294 „Strukturwandel des Eigentums“. Dieses Großprojekt wird an den beiden Thüringer Universitäten, Jena und Erfurt, in den kommenden vier Jahren mit bis zu zehn Millionen Euro unterstützt. Das Konsortium vereint Forschende der Sozial-, Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Geschichtswissenschaften. Unsere Fakultät ist mit Teilprojekt B03 „Öffentliche Interessen vs. private Verfügungsrechte: Eigentumsstrukturen von Organisationen des öffentlichen Interesses“ vertreten, welches von Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert geleitet wird. Ab Mitte März wird Kenny Böswetter als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt mitarbeiten.

    Worum soll es in dem Projekt gehen?

    Seit etlichen Jahren gibt es in der Eigentumsforschung eine intensive Debatte über die Frage „who owns football?“. Offen bleibt eine systematische international-vergleichende Untersuchung des Wandels von Eigentumsstrukturen und Verfügungsrechten im europäischen Fußball, basierend auf sozioökonomischen Annahmen. Ausgehend von einem solchen Ansatz rücken gesellschaftspolitisch relevante Fragestellung in den Vordergrund, d.h. ob und warum der Fußball ein „öffentliches Gut“ ist? Wie und unter welchen Bedingungen kann ein sportlich fairer, global vernetzter und lokal verwurzelter Wettbewerb im Fußball gewährleistet werden?

    Welche Interessen haben wichtige Anspruchsgruppen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft daran und wie bringen sie diese, mit welcher Wirkung, zum Ausdruck? Welche Stakeholder (Fans, Vereinsmitglieder, Politiker, Vertreter von Verbänden und Medien, etc.) werden wie in Entscheidungsfindungen einbezogen, wenn es um sportliche Fairness aber auch soziale Verantwortung geht?

    Der Kampf um das „öffentliche Gut“ Fußball und die spezifische Rolle des Eigentums muss somit als konflikthafter politischer Aushandlungsprozess verstanden werden, wie gerade die gegenwärtige Diskussion zur „Sonderbehandlung“ von europäischen Spitzenclubs und -ligen in Pandemiezeiten zeigt. Es stellt sich die Frage: Warum darf der Profifußball weiterspielen und somit weiterhin Geld verdienen, während andere im öffentlichen Interesse stehende Organisationen, wie Kulturschaffende, oder selbst nichtprofessionelle Sportvereine über Monate geschlossen bleiben?

    Was sind die theoretisch-konzeptionellen Grundlagen?

    Auf Basis neuerer institutionalistischer Ansätze soll zum einen eine akteurszentrierte Perspektive in die fußballbezogene Eigentumsdebatte eingebracht werden, um zu untersuchen, wie konkret gesellschaftsspezifische Institutionensysteme bestimmend auf nationale Eigentumsordnungen und -strukturen wirken. Zum anderen sollen Veränderungen von Interessen wichtiger Anspruchsgruppen und deren Teilhabe an Eigentumsstrukturen in den europäischen Fußballligen analysiert werden.

    Wie wollen wir empirisch vorgehen?

    Ausgehend von der Beobachtung zunehmender Kommerzialisierung, Internationalisierung und Professionalisierung, soll in einem ersten quantitativen Teil untersucht werden, wie sich der europäische Fußball dem Privateigentum global geöffnet hat und wie damit gewisse transnationale Standards einhergehen, die in verschiedenen nationalen Kontexten unterschiedlich interpretiert werden.

    In einem zweiten qualitativen Teil ist ein Fallstudien-basierter Vergleich von ausgewählten Clubs in der englischen Premier League und in der deutschen Bundesliga geplant, um näher verstehen zu können, welche konkreten Akteure ihre Interessen machtvoll ausüben können.   



    Mike Geppert                                

    Tel. Sekretariat                                03641-9-43160


  • New Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Journal "critical perspectives on international business"

    Prof. Mike Geppert has been appointed as new Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Journal "critical perspectives on international business"Externer Link in July 2020.

  • New publication: Industrielle Beziehungen

    Pastuh, D./Geppert, M. (2020): A “Circuits of Power”-based Perspective on Algorithmic Management and Labour in the Gig Economy.Externer Link Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 27/2: 179-204.

    Meldung vom: 22.05.2020 15:54

  • Paper Development Workshop "Research Agenda in International Business and Management" March 5th-6th 2020
    PDW Mike Odul
    PDW Mike Odul
    Foto: Sarah Bützler

    At the 5th and 6th of march 2020, the guest editors Dr. Ödül Bozkurt (University of Sussex) and Prof. Mike Geppert hosted a paper development 
    workshop for an edited volume with Edward Elgar Publishing.

    The volume entitled "A Research Agenda for International Business and Management" assembles international and  interdisciplinary contributions that seek to uncover new research perspectives in International Business, Organization Studies and Management to tackle important contemporary issues in research and society.

    We want to thank the Ernst Abbe Foundation for co-funding the event as well as Irina Surdu (Warwick Business School), Roger Strange (University of Sussex),  Peter Zettinig (University of Turku), Christoph Dörrenbächer and Florian Becker-Ritterspach (both HWR Berlin),  Ulla Mense-Petermann (University of Bielefeld), Brian Wierman (University of Manchester), Brent Burmester (Auckland University) and Suma Athreye (University of Essex) for their valuable contributions and  feedback as well as vivid participation.

    Here is the link to the PDW programme: Download Final Programm PDW Jenapdf, 279 kb

    Meldung vom 12.03.2020

  • ETUI Workshop "Addressing Multinationals’ Strategy with Workers Participation"
    Aline Hoffmann und Daniel Pastuh
    Aline Hoffmann und Daniel Pastuh
    Foto: Daniel Pastuh

    Together with Aline Hoffmann, ETUI, Doris Meißner, IG BCE, and Petra Molenaar, SBI Formaat Daniel Pastuh conducted a pilot workshop on EWC strategy development in contemporary multinational enterprises at the ETUI in Brussels, Belgium.

    Meldung vom 30.01.2020


  • Promotion: Daniel Pastuh
    Christoph Dörrenbächer, Daniel Pastuh, Mike Geppert.
    Christoph Dörrenbächer, Daniel Pastuh, Mike Geppert.
    Foto: Rhena Willig

    Unser Mitarbeiter Daniel Pastuh hat am Mittwoch, 27.11. 2019 seine Dissertation zum Thema "Dynamics of Power & Managerial Control in the Contemporary Service Sector" erfolgreich verteidigt.

    Seine Betreuer Prof. Christoph Dörrenbächer, HWR Berlin & Prof. Mike Geppert sowie das ganze Lehrstuhlteam gratulieren herzlich!

    Meldung vom 02.12.2019

  • Keynote introduction: “Inequality and the end of normal” by James Galbraith
    Mike Geppert, Klaus Dörre and James Galbraith
    Mike Geppert, Klaus Dörre and James Galbraith
    Foto: Mike Geppert

    Prof. Mike Geppert introduced and moderated the keynote lecture on "Inequality and the end of normal" by Prof. James K. Galbraith (University of Texas, Austin, USA), held at the 2nd Regional Conference of the DGS "The Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften" in Jena at the 24th of September 2019.

    Nachricht vom 25.09.2019

  • Buchpräsentation: "Mythos Markt"
    Mike Geppert & Walter Ötsch
    Mike Geppert & Walter Ötsch
    Foto: Mike Geppert

    Im Rahmen der II. Regionalkonferenz der DGS "The Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften" in Jena moderierte und diskutierte Prof. Mike Geppert am 24. September 2019 das kürzlich erschienene Buch "Mythos Markt. Mythos Neoklassik. Das Elend des Marktfundamentalismus" mit dem Autoren Prof. Walter Otto Ötsch (Cusanus Hochschule, Deutschland) am Jenaer Kolleg "Postwachstumsgesellschaften".

    Nachricht vom 25.09.2019

  • Eurofound 2019 Seminar on Multi-level Forms of Social Dialogue

    At the 10th of September 2019 Professor Mike Geppert participated at the Eurofound 2019 project seminar on multi-level forms of social dialogue in multinational companies at the Ecorys office in Brussels. 

  • Panel at the AIB-UKI Conference
    Foto: Privat

    Together with Dr Ödül Bozkurt (Sussex, UK) Professor Mike Geppert co-organized a panel on the topic "International Business Studies at a crossroads?" at the 46th Academy of International Business UK & Ireland Chapter Conference at the University of Sussex (Brighton, UK) on the 26th of April 2019. The panelists - Professors Suma Athreye (Essex, UK), Jonathan Doh (Villanova, USA), Mike Geppert (FSU, Germany) Ans Kolk (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and Roger Strange (Sussex, UK) - discussed the questions: do you think International Business (IB) needs reform; can IB be reformed with a revitalization of its core arguments and concerns; or do we need to reconceptualize the entire field; what might be ‘outside the box’ future research topics and approaches that define the future of the field.

    Meldung vom: 08.05.2019 10:18

  • EGOS Colloquium 2019 Edinburgh

    Mike Geppert and Florian Olischer attended this year’s Colloquium of European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) from the 4th to the 7th of July 2019 at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

    Mike acted as a co-convenor of the subtheme 59 “Actor-centred institutionalism: Comparing actors, contexts, interactions and change (together with Ruth Aguilera and Gregory Jackson) and presented a paper on “The transfer of the global value chain approach into research on global factories: Insights into theory borrowing in International Business”.

    Florian presented a paper on “Location strategy as response by MNEs: The case of European low-cost civil airlines”.


    Meldung vom 10.07.2019

  • Seminar at the University of Innsbruck
    AUS Seminar
    AUS Seminar
    Foto: Mike Geppert

    Professor Mike Geppert has been invited by Professor Julia Brandl (Chair of HRM & Employment Relations) to the Institute for Organisation & Learning at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) to give a joined talk on "Theoretical Bridge Building between Fields" on the 13th of June 2019. The (Pub) seminar focused the question of how PhD students can engage in and benefit from theoretical bridge building between (related) academic fields. To this end, Mike Geppert shared his insights on bridging International Business and Organisation Studies; Julia Brandlwill shared her experience on the intersection of Human Resource Management and Organisation Studies. The seminar provided insights on recent developments in the respective fields and discussed opportunities of theoretical bridge building with the participating PhD students.

    Meldung vom: 18.06.2019 15:00

  • Discussant at Ecorys seminar

    Professor Mike Geppert has been invited to participate at the seminar on multi-level forms of HRM and social dialogue in multinational companies, organized by Ecorys, as a discussant of first research results. The one-day seminar took place at the 8th of April 2019 at the Ecorys UK office in London.

    Meldung vom: 09.04.2019 15:06

  • Attending the SAMS Forum on the Future of Management Studies
    Foto: Mike Geppert

    Professor Mike Geppert was invited to take part at the two day Forum of the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS)Externer Link at the Møller CenterExterner Link at Churchill College in Cambridge (UK), on the 15thand 16thof March 2019. The forum brought together management scholars from around the world to reflect upon the current state of management studies. The forum generated in-depth group discussions on the topics of management studies as academic community, management education, management research and current challenges and opportunities of management studies in order to map out an agenda for the future.

    Meldung vom: 19.03.2019 10:20

  • Erfolgreiche Promotionen am Lehrstuhl
    Foto: Privat

    Frau Elena Scolnaia verteidigte am 23.01.2019 erfolglich ihre Doktorarbeit zum Titel "Exploring modern R&D networks in automotive MNC - linking dynamic capabilities and networks". Sie war externe Doktorantin bei Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert von November 2014 bis Januar 2019.

    Frau Dr. Anna Scheer schloss ebenfalls erfolreich ihre Promotion (Titel der Dissertation: "The Power of Organisational Identity - Evidence from German Non-profit and Sports Organisations") bei Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert im Juli 2018 ab. Frau Scheer arbeitete als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl von März 2014 bis Juni 2018.

    Wir beglückwünschen Frau Scolnaia und Frau Scheer recht herzlich.

    Meldung vom: 27.01.2019 12:30

    Mehr erfahren


  • Paper Development Workshop
    Foto: Privat

    From the 24th to the 27th of October 2018 Professor Mike Geppert acted as mentor at the 4th Paper Development Workshop (PDW) for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe (CESEE ) in Korčula (Croatia). The PDW was hosted by University of Dubrovnik and sponsored by the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) and Organization Studies, in collaboration with the OMT Division of the Academy of Management.

    Meldung vom: 30.10.2018 08:10

  • Lecture at the Training Workshop of the SAP SE Works Council

    Professor Mike Geppert has been invited for an input lecture at the Training Workshop of the SAP SE Works Council, supported by the European Trade Union Institute, which took place on the 9th of October 2018 in Sitges (Spain). His talk dealt with main trends of cross-border standardisation and reorganisation in European multinational corporations, followed by a discussion.

    Meldung vom: 23.10.2018 10:52

  • Jährliches Treffen der European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) in Tallinn (Estonia)

    Vom 05. bis 07. Juli 2018 findet das diesjährige Kolloquium der European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) unter dem Titel "Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected" an der Estonian Business School (EBS) in Tallinn statt.

    Am 07. Juli wird Mike Geppert im Sub-theme 37 "Opening the Black Box: Advancing Micro-level Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility" ein Paper zum Thema "Linking macro- and micro-level politics in and around multinational corporations: Towards a meso-level framework of analysis" (zusammen mit Dirk Matten, Toronto) präsentieren. Eva Schlindwein hält am 06. Juli im Sub-theme 47 "Social-Symbolic Work and the Unexpected in Organizational Life" einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Summoning the Moral Demon: Discursive work in the Case of Cannabis Prohibition in the U.S., 1900-1960".

    Informationen zum Kolloquium finden Sie hier.Externer Link

    Meldung vom: 03.07.2018 09:29

  • ETUI-ETUC Conference

    Professor Mike Geppert is going to take part at the annual ETUI-ETUC Conference which focuses on the topic "The world(s) of work in transition"Externer Link, from 27th to 29th of June 2018 in Brussels. He will present and discuss key ideas and findings of the just published study (ETUI report 141) on "Cross-border standardisation and reorganisation in European multinational companies" at the (interactive) Panel 6, titled "The role of worker's participation in addressing the digitalisation driven Europeanisation strategies of MNCs".Externer Link

    Meldung vom: 20.06.2018 07:51

  • Attending the 2nd Biennial Conference at WZB

    Mike Geppert and Daniel Pastuh attended the 2nd Biennial Conference on "What Does Co-Determination Do? What Can We Learn from Research?", which took place at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) at the 11th of June 2018. Here the joined paper (written together with C. Dörrenbächer, A. Hoffmann and M: Tomenendal) titled "Beyond Restructuring: Intensified cross-border standardisation and centralisation in multinational companies and the role of workers' participation" has been presented.

    For more information: Link

    Meldung vom: 18.06.2018 12:26

  • Einladung zum Gastvortrag von Prof. Alessia Contu, University of Massachusetts Boston (USA)
    Prof. Geppert begrüßt Prof. Contu
    Prof. Geppert begrüßt Prof. Contu
    Foto: Alessia Contu

    Prof. Mike Geppert und Prof. Peter Walgenbach laden sehr herzlich zum Gastvortrag von Prof. Alessia Contu (Chair of the Department of Management, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA) zum Thema "Exploring resilience and other issues in hybrid organizations: the case of workers buyout in Italy" am 26.06.2018 von 12.00 bis 14.00 Uhr, Ort: Besprechungsraum des Lehrstuhls Makroökonomik (Raum 4.157), Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, 07743 Jena ein. Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des gemeinsamen Forschungskolloquiums des Lehrstuhls für Strategisches und Internationales Management sowie des Lehrstuhls für Organisation, Führung und Human Resource Management statt.

    Den Abstract zum Vortrag finden Sie hier.

    Meldung vom: 13.06.2018 11:20

  • Vortrag an der Uni Passau
    Prof. Geppert beim Vortrag und anschließendem Essen
    Prof. Geppert beim Vortrag und anschließendem Essen
    Foto: Mike Geppert

    Am 4. Juni 2018 hielt Prof. Mike Geppert einen Vortrag zum Thema "Micro- and macro-political issues in and around multinational corporations" an der Universität Passau. Er folgte einer Einladung der Kollegen Prof. Dr. Christoph Barmeyer und Dr. Bruno Gandlgruber am Lehrstuhl für Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation.

    Meldung vom: 06.06.2018 13:00

  • New Call for Papers: CESEE

    Call for Papers for 4th Paper Development Workshop in Organization and Management Studies for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe (CESEE)

    October 24-27, 2018
    City of Korčula | University of Dubrovnik, Croatia

    Meldung vom: 17.05.2018 14:43

  • LAEMOS 2018

    Professor Mike Geppert will attend the Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies (LAEMOS), which takes place in Buenos Aires (Argentina) from 22-24 March 2018. He acts as a convenor for subtheme 24 on "International standards and multinationals: towards a greater appreciation of the role of politics" and will present a paper titled "Macro- and micro-level politics in and around multinational corporations".

    Meldung vom: 12.03.2018 15:04

  • Visiting the Aalto University in Helsinki

    Professor Geppert has been invited to visit the School of Business at Aalto University in Helsinki (Finland) in February 2018. Here he presented a paper on the topic "Macro- and micro-level politics in and around multinational corporations" at the School's Research Seminar. He also participated in the MSc class, entitled "Perspectives to the Multinational Corporation".

    Meldung vom: 13.02.2018 09:25


  • Conference at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
    Konferenz Brüssel ETUI Mike Geppert Daniel Pastuh
    Konferenz Brüssel ETUI Mike Geppert Daniel Pastuh
    Foto: Privat

    Professor Mike Geppert and Daniel Pastuh attended the Conference "Beyond Restructuring: the role of workers' participation in addressing intensified cross-border standardisation and centralisation in multinational corporations" at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels, from the 11th to the 12th of December 2017. They presented and discussed the key findings of the final research report "Cross-border standardization and reorganization in European MNCs". Mike Geppert was invited to be a keynote speaker, panellist and expert for the Working Group "The global factory". Daniel Pastuh acted as expert of the Working Group "New organisational concepts and standardization trends in Human Resource Management".

    Meldung vom: 18.12.2017 11:10

  • Paper Development Workshop
    2017 Paper Development Workshop
    2017 Paper Development Workshop
    Foto: privat

    From 3rd to 4th of November 2017 Professor Mike Geppert is going to act as co-organizer and mentor at the 3rd Paper Development Workshop (PDW) for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central and Eastern Europe at Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania. The PDW, titled 'Challenges in Managing and Organizing Processes of Change', is co-sponsored by the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), its journal Organization Studies and the OMT Division of the Academy of Management. 

    Meldung vom: 01.11.2017 10:39

  • Received the 2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award
    2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award
    2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award
    Foto: privat

    Professor Mike Geppert has received the 2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award from the Journal "Critical perspectives on international business".

  • Visiting the York University in Toronto

    Professor Geppert has been invited to visit the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto in late September 2017.  He will participate in departmental activities and work on a research paper.

    Meldung vom: 14.09.2017 14:40

  • New Call for Papers: LAEMOS

    Call for Papers for Subtheme 22 on 'Economic and Institutional flux and the power of MNCs: towards a greater appreciation of the role of politics' at the Latin American and European Organization Studies (LAEMOS) conference at the IAE Business School in Buenos Aires (Argentina), March 22-24, 2018

    Deadline: 15.09.2017

    Meldung vom: 13.07.2017 09:56

  • Diesjähriges 33. Kolloquium der European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) an der Copenhagen Business School
    Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer des EGOS-Kolloquiums mit der PDW
    Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer des EGOS-Kolloquiums mit der PDW
    Foto: privat

    Vom 3. bis 8. Juli 2017 findet das diesjährige 33. Kolloquium der European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) zum Thema "The good organization: aspirations, interventions, struggles" an der Copenhagen Business School (Dänemark) statt.

    Am 4. Juli agiert Mike Geppert als Mentor für einen Round Table des Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshops. Am 5. Juli ist er, zusammen mit Loreta Tauginiene, als Organisator eines Pre-Colloquim Development Workshops (PDW) zum Thema "In Search of New Research Directions and Methods for Critically Studying Social Responsibility" tätig. Vom 6. bis 8. Juli leitet er das Subtheme (2) zum Thema "The Role of Organized Labour in and around the Multinational Corporation", zusammen mit Christoph Dörrrenbächer und Graham Hollinshead, und präsentiert dort ein gemeinsames Paper (mit Dörrenbächer und Pastuh) zum Thema "What means standardization today and how does it affect the politicisation of the contemporary MNCs?".

    Mike Geppert wird als Mitglied des Organisationsteams für das 34. EGOS Kolloquium 2018 in Tallinn (Estland) auch an der Vorstandssitzung des EGOS Boards teilnehmen.

    Informationen zum Subtheme (2) finden Sie hierExterner Link und zum Kolloquium hierExterner Link. Das vollständige Programm können Sie hierExterner Link einsehen.

    Meldung vom: 03.07.2017 09:59

  • New Call for Papers: CEE

    Call for Papers for 3rd Paper Development Workshop for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)

    "Managing and Organizing in Challenging Times"

    from 2nd to 4th of November 2017 at Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania)

    Meldung vom: 12.05.2017 16:43

  • Prof. Dr. John Child (University of Birmingham) in Jena
    John Child 2017
    John Child 2017
    Foto: privat

    Professor Dr. John ChildExterner Link visited the Friedrich Schiller University Jena for the first week of May 2017. He gave a lecture to the Master students of our Department on "Relations between International Firms and External Institutions: A Political Action Perspective" and a research seminar to the PhD students of the Departments of Strategy and International Management and Organization, Leadership and HRM on "SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience".

    Meldung vom: 21.04.2017 16:06

  • Visiting the University College Dublin
    University College Dublin - 2017
    University College Dublin - 2017
    Foto: Privat

    As part of his visiting appointment at the University College Dublin, Professor Mike Geppert presented a paper at the Research Seminar at UCD's Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School on Friday, the 3rd of March 2017. The paper was titled "Bridge-building between organization theory and international business for studying multinational companies: a one-way road?".

    Meldung vom: 07.03.2017 13:58

  • EGOS Pre-Colloquium Development Workshop

    PDW 05: In Search of New Research Directions and Methods for Critically Studying Social Responsibility

    Loreta Tauginienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
    Mike Geppert, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

    The pre-Colloquium Development Workshop (PDW) will take place on Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 9:00-13:00 - prior to the 33rd EGOS main Colloquium - at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark.

    Time period for submission of applications:

    • Start: Monday, February 20, 2017
    • End:  Monday, April 3, 2017, 23:59:59 (CEST)

    Call for ApplicationsExterner Link

    Meldung vom: 17.02.2017 11:09

  • Appointment to Visiting Professor at the University College Dublin

    Professor Geppert has been appointed as Visiting Professor at the University College Dublin (UCD), and will be a guest researcher at the UCD's Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School in March 2017.

    Meldung vom: 16.01.2017 12:12

  • Visiting the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    As part of his sabbatical leave, Professor Geppert has been invited to visit the Department of Organisation Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in early December 2016. Over there he participated in several departmental activities, including a guest lecture at the Annual Seminar for BCO-Master Students and a Research Seminar on the topic "Precarious and destructive effects of the colonization of the Lebenswelt in higher education".

    Meldung vom: 16.01.2017 12:01


  • Visiting the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem - 2016
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem - 2016
    Foto: Privat

    As part of his sabbatical leave, Professor Geppert has been invited to visit the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in mid-November 2016. Over there he participated in several departmental activities.

    Meldung vom: 18.11.2016 14:40

  • Paper Development Workshop
    Paper Development Workshop 2016 Vilnius
    Paper Development Workshop 2016 Vilnius
    Foto: Privat

    From 27th to 28th of October 2016 Professor Geppert is going to act as co-organizer and mentor at the Paper Development Workshop (PDW) for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central and Eastern Europe at the Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius (Lithuania). The PDW, titled 'Challenges in Managing and Organizing Processes of Change', is co-sponsored by European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) and its journal Organization Studies. Here is the link to the official PDW website:

    Meldung vom: 24.10.2016 16:50

  • Research Seminar: Brunel University London

    Professor Mike Geppert has been invited to present a paper at the Research Seminar at the Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, on the 10th of October 2016 (at ESGW 102, between 12:30 - 14:00). His paper is titled "Bridge-building between organization theory and international business for studying multinational companies: a one-way road?". In his presentation Professor Geppert will look deeper into and reflect on reasons how and why bridge-building exercises have been limited so far, especially in the field of IB, based on his own on-going research on social agency and institutional change in post-millennium MNCs, and the crucial role of micropolitics and power relations in this process (e.g. Becker-Ritterspach et al. 2016; Dörrenbächer and Geppert, 2017; Geppert and Dörrenbächer, 2014; Geppert te al. 2016).

    Meldung vom: 07.10.2016 14:51

  • Research seminar on emotions in mergers and acquisitions in International Business and Management
    Eva Schlindwein 2016 Research Seminar
    Eva Schlindwein 2016 Research Seminar
    Foto: privat

    Doctoral researcher Dipl.-Kffr. Eva Schlindwein attended the Research seminar on emotions in mergers and acquisitions in International Business and Management on 15th September 2016 at the Turku School of Economics. She introduced the working paper written by her and her supervisor Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert : "Sensemaking in the context of MNC mergers and acquisitions: an emotional sensemaking approach to subsidiary integration".

    Meldung vom: 27.09.2016 09:18

  • Jährliches Treffen der European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) vom 07.-09.07.16 in Neapel
    Prof. Geppert im Sub-plenary 5
    Prof. Geppert im Sub-plenary 5
    Foto: Privat

    Vom 07. bis 09. Juli 2016 findet das diesjährige Kolloquium der EGOSExterner Link unter dem Titel "Organizing in the Shadow of Power" an der Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIExterner Link in Neapel statt.
    Bereits am Montag und Dienstag, den 04. Und 05.07. wird Prof. Geppert in Neapel den dem eigentlichen Kolloquium vorangestellten DoktorandenworkshopExterner Link mitbetreuen.
    Weitere Mitglieder unseres Lehrstuhls werden ebenfalls in Neapel vertreten sein: Elena Scolnaia wird ihren gemeinsam mit Prof. Geppert verfassten Beitrag "Exploring modern R&D networks in MNCs - linking dynamic capabilities and networks with local issue selling tactics for R&D mandates" vorstellen. Ein Beitrag von Anna Scheer zum Thema "Catering to the needs of the many: The interplay of organizational identity and intra-organizational tensions" wird am letzten Tag der Konferenz präsentiert. Parallel dazu stellen Eva Schlindwein und Prof. Geppert den gemeinsamen Artikel "Sensemaking in the context of MNC mergers and acquisitions: An emotional sensemaking approach to subsidiary integration" vor.

    Prof. Geppert selbst wird zusätzlich als outgoing Vice-Chair und Co-Organisator des 34. EGOS Kolloquium 2018 in Tallinn an den beiden EGOS Vorstandssitzungen teilnehmen. Außerdem organisiert er, gemeinsam mit Andre Spicer, ein Sub-Plenary zum Thema "Manufacturing Disengagement? Current Changes of Work and Organization in Business Schools".

    Meldung vom: 01.07.2016 08:19

  • New Calls for Papers

    Call for Applications: 2nd Paper Development Workshop for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)

    "Challenges in Managing and Organizing Processes of Change"

    Special Issue Call for Papers: Human Relations

    "Politicization and political contests in contemporary multinational corporations"


    Meldung vom: 11.05.2016 13:47

  • New publication: BIIBS Working Papers

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2016): The Integration-Responsiveness Framework: A Review and Application of the Concept. BIIBS Working Papers, 03/2016, Berlin Institute for International Business Studies, Berlin.

    Meldung vom: 29.03.2016 14:38

  • 6th Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies
    Organization Studies Meeting - 2016 - Chile
    Organization Studies Meeting - 2016 - Chile
    Foto: Privat

    Professor Mike Geppert will attend the 6th Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies (LAEMOS), which takes place in Vina del Mar (Chile) from 6-9 April 2016. He will present a paper titled "Dystopia and Demoralization: Reflections on the pre-carious and destructive effects of the colonization of the Lebenswelt of British academia". EGOS is an active sponsor and supporter of LAEMOS, accordingly he will also take the role of Acting Chair of EGOS on behalf of the Board at the conference.

    Meldung vom: 21.03.2016 15:58

  • Research Seminar: SOAS, University of London

    Professor Mike Geppert has been invited to present a paper at the Research Seminar at the Department of Financial and Management Studies, SOAS, University of London. The paper which he is going to present on the 15th of March 2016 is titled 'Dystopia and Demoralization:  Reflections on the precarious and destructive effects of the colonization of the Lebenswelt of British academia'. The paper, on which the presentation is based on, has been written in the style of a provocative essay. It starts with the observation that particularly in the US and the UK Higher Education systems, neo-liberalism has become the leading 'policy doctrine'. This has put increasing systemic political and the economic pressure on universities which not only undermined but also 'colonized' the Lebenswelt or 'lifeworld' (Habermas) of many academics. We are going to highlight and illustrate how the increasing dominance of 'neo-liberal science' principles severely damages the quality of knowledge production and working conditions of ordinary academics as knowledge workers. We will provide concrete empirical examples based on own experiences and secondary sources.

    Meldung vom: 10.03.2016 13:35

  • New book: Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory: Post millennium perspectives
    Christoph Dörrenbächer and Mike Geppert
    Christoph Dörrenbächer and Mike Geppert
    Foto: privat

    Christoph Dörrenbächer and Mike Geppert (eds) (2016): Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory: Post millennium perspectives, Emerald: Bingley, Series: Research in the Sociology of Organizations.

    Meldung vom: 02.03.2016 10:38

  • Nachtrag zur Antrittsvorlesung
    Antrittsvorlesung Mike Geppert 2016
    Antrittsvorlesung Mike Geppert 2016
    Foto: Privat

    Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert hielt am Freitag, 29.01.2016, in der Aula der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität seine Antrittsvorlesung zum Thema "Inside the multinational corporation: The role of institutions, power and political processes".

    Hier ein paar Bilder.

    Meldung vom: 18.02.2016 10:00

  • Panel discussion: The Social Accountability of Multinational Corporations Reality, Challenge or Myth?

    In addition to the Panel discussion on 18th November 2015, please find the following video:


    Meldung vom: 17.02.2016 09:27

  • Forthcoming publication
    Foto: privat

    Becker-Ritterspach, F./Blazejewski, S./Dörrenbächer, C./ Geppert, M. (2016): Micropolitics in the multinational corporation: foundations, applications and new directions. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (in press).

    Meldung vom: 27.01.2016 10:03

  • Antrittsvorlesung: 29.01.2016

    Am Freitag, den 29. Januar 2016, 12.00 Uhr, wird Mike Geppert gemeinsam mit Herrn Prof. Dr. Walsh seine Antrittsvorlesung in der Aula der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität halten. Die Kurzbeschreibung des Vortrages zum Thema "Inside the multinational corporation: The role of institutions, power and political processes" lautet:

    In Textbüchern zum Internationalen Management und auch in den Medien werden multinationale Unternehmen (MNU) oft als Vorreiter der Globalisierung dargestellt, die aufgrund modernster Technologien, effektiver Strukturen und effizienter Strategien erfolgreich expandieren. Nicht erst seit dem aktuellen VW-Skandal wissen wir, dass im Innern von MNU solch eine allumfassende Rationalität kaum existiert. Daher ist es für empirische Sozialforscher umso wichtiger, kritische Fragen zu stellen und zu erkunden: was effizient, für wen ist und warum. Solche Fragen sind besonders relevant, weil MNU in diversen institutionellen Umwelten agieren und somit unterschiedliche politische Interessen und Identitäten von Managern und Beschäftigten ins Spiel kommen. Der Vortrag wird zeigen, wie sich oft vernachlässigte machtpolitische Aspekte im Innern von MNU mit alternativen Theorien erklären lassen. 

    Meldung vom: 06.01.2016 17:48


  • Workshop: Legitimacy, Ethics and Shades of Darkness in International Business

    Professor Mike Geppert has been invited to give a talk at the Workshop on 'Legitimacy, Ethics and Shades of Darkness in International Business' at the School of Management at RMIT University in Melbourne (Australia) on the 17th of December 2015. He will present a paper, titled  'Towards a Critical Institutionalist analysis of Contemporary Business organizations - Lessons from Goffman's Work on Total Institutions'.

    Meldung vom: 09.12.2015 09:36

  • APROS-EGOS Conference

    Professor Mike Geppert will attend APROS-EGOS Conference which takes place at the UTS Business SchoolExterner Link, University of Technology, Sydney (Australia) from 9-11 of December 2015. He is one of the organizers of this conference on behalf of the EGOS Board. He is also a co-convenor (together with (Stewart Clegg) of subtheme 11 on "The politicized multinational company: contested transnational spaces and the role of actors and institutions" and the co-author of two papers which will be presented there.

    Meldung vom: 16.11.2015 13:50

  • Paper Development Workshop

    From 19th to 20th of November 2015 professors Christoph Dörrenbächer (Berlin School of Economics and Law) and Mike Geppert (FSU Jena) will host a Paper Development Workshop. The workshop is funded by the Ernst-Abbe-StiftungExterner Link and related to the book project "Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory: Post millennium Perspectives". The forthcoming volume, edited by the two hosts, will be published in the high quality book series "Research in the Sociology of OrganizationsExterner Link" by Emerald.


    Meldung vom: 16.11.2015 09:14

  • Panel discussion: The Social Accountability of Multinational Corporations Reality, Challenge or Myth?

    Mike Geppert has been invited to join a Panel discussion about "The Social Accountability of Multinational Corporations Reality, Challenge or Myth?". The Panel takes place on the 18th of November 2015, 16:00-18:00, at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. The Panel Discussion seeks answers to questions, like: How should economic and socially viable business strategies across borders look like in order to best deal with these challenges? How can viable strategies be developed, implemented and monitored in large MNCs that often employ 100.000 or more employees? What role will the public play, be it international organizations, national governments or civil society actors such as trade unions and consumer organizations?

    Meldung vom: 15.10.2015 13:45

  • Workshop: Managing and Organizing in Contexts of Change

    From 29th to 30th of October 2015 Professor Geppert will act as co-organizer and mentor at a Paper Development Workshop for PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Warsaw (Poland). The PDW, titled 'Managing and Organizing in Contexts of Change', is co-sponsored by European Group for Organizational Studies, Organization & Management Theory Division of the Academy of Management, and the journal 'Organization Studies'. 

    Meldung vom: 07.10.2015 08:47

  • Diesjähriges Kolloquium der European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS)

    Vom 1. bis 4. Juli 2015 findet das diesjährige Kolloquium der European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) unter dem Titel "Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility" an der ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece in Athen statt.

    Am 2. Juli wird Mike Geppert dort ein Paper zum Thema "Sensemaking with institutions about strategic business model change: the case of a Norwegian family firm" präsentieren.  Eva Schlindwein hält dam 4. Juli einen Vortrag unter dem Titel "How (public) organizations thrive in the midst of institutional pluralism: the role of identity". Am 4. Juli präsentieren dann Daniel Pastuh und Mike Geppert ein Paper zum Thema "Elements of total, greedy and reinventive institutions in work and employment practices of contemporary service sector business organizations".
    Mike Geppert wird außerdem als amtierender Vice-Chair an den beiden Vorstandssitzungen des EGOS Boards, am 1. und 4. Juli, teilnehmen.

    Informationen zum Kolloquium finden Sie hierExterner Link.
    Das vollständige Programm können Sie hierExterner Link einsehen.

    Meldung vom: 01.10.2015 11:07