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- Dr. Susanne Fricke (2018): 'Africa's Integration into Global Value Chains - The Role of Inter-sectoral Linkages, Regional Interconnectedness, and Trade Policies'
- Dr. Sebastian Spiegel (2017): 'A comprehensive model of tax evasion'
- Dr. Bianka Dettmer (2013): 'International Trade in Producer Services'
- Dr. Leo Wangler (2011): 'Political Economy of Climate Policy'
- Dr. Angela Münch (2011): 'The Interdependence between Biodiversity and Socio-economic Variables on a Local and Regional level'
- Dr. Mark Hoffmann (2010): 'Anforderungen von Unternehmen an Absolventen wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Bachelor-Studiengänge. Entscheidungstheoretische Analyse und empirische Evidenz'
- Dr. Ljubica Nedelkoska (2010): 'Human Capital in Transition: On the Changing Skill Requirements and Skill Transferability'
- Dr. Sebastian von Engelhardt (2010): 'Coexisting Intellectual Property Right Regimes: the Case of Open and Closed Source Software'
- Dr. Christoph Vietze (2010): 'Determinants of Tourism and its Potential for Sustainable Economic Development: Empirical Evidence'
- Dr. Gernot Pehnelt (2008): 'Leistungs- und Effizienzmessung deutscher Krankenhäuser'Externer Link
- Dr. Simon Renaud (2008): 'Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung und Strukturwandel'Externer Link
- Dr. Klaus Winkler (2006): 'Negotiations with Asymmetrical Distribution of Power − Conclusions from Dispute Resolution in Network Industries'
- Dr. Boris Harder (2005): 'Die geldpolitische Bedeutung elektronischen Geldes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung alternativer geldpolitischer Strategien'Externer Link