Wir bieten zwei Doppelmasterprogramme im Bereich der Volkswirtschaftslehre mit untenstehenden italienischen Partneruniversitäten an
Promovieren in Jena
Foto: Anne Günther (Universität Jena)
Joint Double Degree Master Program with the Università degli dell' Insubria (Varese)
Foto: gemeinfrei nach Creative Commons CC0
There has been a 2-year master program offered in cooperation with the University of Insubria (Varese, Italy) and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena since the beginning of July 2012. Students from Varese and from Jena studying economics have had the opportunity to be awarded with a double degree since the winter term 2013/14. After graduation, the University of Insubria will award its title "Master in Global Entrepreneurship and Management" and the Friedrich Schiller University will award its title "Master of Science in Economics".
The first academic year is spent at the home institution and the second one at the partner institution. The master thesis, which has to be defended, can either be written in Jena or in Varese. The defence can either take place in Jena or in Varese.
Joint Double Degree Master Program with the Universitá degli Studi di Trento
There has been a 2-year master program offered in cooperation with the University of Trento (Italy) and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena starting in the winter term 2015/16. Students from Trento and from Jena studying economics have the opportunity to be awarded with a double degree. After graduation, the University of Trento will award its title "Master of Science in Economics" and the Friedrich Schiller University will award its title "Master of Science in Economics".
The first academic year is spent at the home university and the second one at the partner institution. The master thesis, which has to be defended, can either be written in Jena or in Trento. The defence can either take place in Jena or in Trento.