Buchkapitel Picking and Packing in Multi-level Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems

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Neues Buchkapitel von Simon Emde
Buchkapitel Picking and Packing in Multi-level Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems
Screenshot: Benjamin Riedel

Robotic mobile fulfillment systems (RMFS) have received substantial attention in recent years both from academia and practice, not least of all because of their widespread adoption
by Amazon. In such a system, human pickers and mobile robots collaborate by relieving the human worker of the unproductive walking time through the aisles. While this system has proven efficient, it has received criticism for its poor space utilization. Unlike other automated storage solutions, which often use high-racks, RMFS pods are only about as tall as a person. To lleviate these issues, some warehouses spread out the rack storage and picking stations over multiple floors, which, however, introduces additional issues into the operational planning problems involved with successfully running RMFS. We discuss these issues in this chapter.

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