Stefan Schwerdfeger

Dr. Stefan Schwerdfeger

Akademischer Rat
Stefan Schwerdfeger
Foto: Christoph Gorke
Adresse Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Lehrstuhl für ABWL/Operations Management
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena
Büro Raum 4.127, 4. OG
Telefon +49 3641 9-43129
Sprechstunde Mittwoch, 13 - 14 Uhr (Anmeldung empfohlen)


  • Akademischer und beruflicher Werdegang

    2009 - 2012: Bachelorstudium der Wirtschaftsmathematik an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    2012 - 2014: Masterstudium der Wirtschaftsmathematik an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    2014 - 2018: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für ABWL/Management Science an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    10/2018: Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol., Titel der Dissertation: "Optimization in outbound logistics"

    Seit 2018: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) und Habilitand an den Lehrstühlen für ABWL/Management Science und ABWL/Operations Management an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    05/2024: Ernennung zum Akademischen Rat

  • Preise und Würdigungen

    2017: Optware Sonderpreis für anwendungsnahe wissenschaftliche Leistungen

    2018: Outstanding Reviewer Award OR Spectrum

    2019: Preis für Dissertationen der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR)

    2019: Transferpreis der Profillinie LIBERTY der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    2020: Editors' Award for Excellence in Reviewing, European Journal of
    Operational Research

    2020: Best Paper Award European Journal of Operational Research, gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Nils Boysen und Dr. Felix Weidinger

    2021: Lehrpreis für den Akademischen Mittelbau (WiSe 20/21) der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    2021: Editors' Award for Excellence in Reviewing, European Journal of
    Operational Research

    2022: Young Researchers Award der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR)

    2022: Editors' Award for Excellence in Reviewing, European Journal of
    Operational Research

    2022: Betriebswirte-Ranking der Wirtschaftswoche: Forscher unter 40: 42. Platz; aktuelle Forschungsleistung: unter den 100 Top-Forschenden

    2023: Lehrpreis für den Akademischen Mittelbau (WiSe 22/23) der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    2023: Editors' Award for Excellence in Reviewing, European Journal of
    Operational Research

Publikationen (Stand: 08.08.2024)

  1. Schwerdfeger, S.; Boysen, N.; Briskorn. D.; Stephan, K. (2024): Keep on moving: Optimized placement of moving walkways in airport terminals. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 183, 102926.
  2. Boysen, N.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Stephan, K. (2024): Order consolidation in warehouses: The loop sorter scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 316/2, 459-472.
  3. Boysen, N.; Briskorn. D.; Rupp, J.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2024): Jam in the tunnel: On urban freight tunnels, their operational scheduling, and unused transport capacity. Service Sience 16/3, 184-201.
  4. Wyrowski, A.; Boysen, N.; Briskorn. D.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2024): Public transport crowdshipping: Moving shipments among parcel lockers located at public transport stations. OR Spectrum 46/3, 1-35.
  5. Boysen, N.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Ulmer, M. (2023): Robotized sorting systems: Large-scale scheduling under real-time conditions with limited lookahead. European Journal of Operational Research 310/2, 582-596.
  6. Boysen, N.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Stephan, K. (2023): A review of synchronization problems in parts-to-picker warehouses. European Journal of Operational Research 307/3, 1374-1390.
  7. Boysen, N.; Briskorn, D.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2022): How to charge while drive: Scheduling point-to-point deliveries of an electric vehicle under overhead wiring. Journal of Scheduling 26, 19-41.
  8. Pilz, D.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Boysen, N. (2022): Make or break: Coordinated assignment of parking space for breaks and rest periods in long-haul trucking. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 164, 45-64.
  9. Schwerdfeger, S.; Boysen, N. (2022): Who moves the locker A benchmark study of alternative mobile parcel locker concepts. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 142, 103780.
  10. Boysen, N.; Emde. S.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2022): Crowdshipping by Employees of Distribution Centers: Optimization Approaches for Matching Supply and Demand. European Journal of Operational Research 296/2, 539-556.
  11. Schwerdfeger, S.; Bock, S.; Boysen, N.; Briskorn, D. (2022): Optimizing the electrification of roads with charge-while-drive technology. European Journal of Operational Research 299/3, 1111-1127.
  12. Boysen, N.; Briskorn, D.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2021): Walk the line: Optimizing the layout design of moving walkways. Transportation Science 55/4, 908-929.
  13. Schwerdfeger, S.; Otto, A.; Boysen, N. (2021): Rail platooning: Scheduling trains along a rail corridor with rapid-shunting facilities. European Journal of Operational Research 294/2, 760-778.
  14. Morgenroth, C.; Boysen, N.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Weidinger, F. (2021): Scheduling taxi services for a gang of car relocators. Computers & Operations Research 128, 105188.
  15. Boysen, N.; Briskorn. D.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Stephan, K. (2021): Optimizing carpool formation along high-occupancy vehicle lanes. European Journal of Operational Research 293/3, 1097-1112.
  16. Boysen, N.; Fedtke, S.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2021): Last-mile delivery concepts: a survey from an operational research perspective. OR Spectrum 43, 1-58.
  17. Schwerdfeger, S.; Boysen, N. (2020): Optimizing the changing locations of mobile parcel lockers in last-mile distribution. European Journal of Operational Research 285, 1077-1094.
  18. Boysen, N.; Briskorn, D.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2019): Matching supply and demand in a sharing economy: Classification, computational complexity, and application. European Journal of Operational Research 278/2, 578-595.
  19. Boywitz, D.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Boysen, N. (2019): Sequencing of picking orders to facilitate the replenishment of A-Frame systems. IISE Transactions 51, 368-381.
  20. Boysen, N.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Weidinger, F. (2018): Scheduling last-mile deliveries with truck-based autonomous robots. European Journal of Operational Research 271/3, 1085-1099.
  21. Lawrinenko, A.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Walter, R. (2018): Reduction criteria, upper bounds, and a dynamic programming based heuristic for the ki-partitioning problem. Journal of Heuristics 24/2, 173-203.
  22. Boysen, N.; Briskorn, D.; Fedtke, S.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2018): Drone delivery from trucks: Drone scheduling for given truck routes. Networks 72, 506-527.
  23. Schwerdfeger, S.; Boysen, N.; Briskorn, D. (2018): Just-in-time logistics for far-distant suppliers: Scheduling truck departures from an intermediate cross docking terminal. OR Spectrum 40/1, 1-21.
  24. Schwerdfeger, S.; Walter, R. (2018): Improved algorithms to minimize workload balancing criteria on identical parallel machines. Computers & Operations Research 93, 123-134.
  25. Boysen, N.; Briskorn, D.; Schwerdfeger, S. (2018): The identical-path truck platooning problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 109, 26-39.
  26. Schwerdfeger, S.; Boysen, N. (2017): Order picking along a crane-supplied pick face: The SKU switching problem. European Journal of Operational Research 260, 534-545.
  27. Schwerdfeger, S.; Walter, R. (2016): A fast and effective subset sum based improvement procedure for workload balancing on identical parallel machines. Computers & Operations Research 73, 84-91.