Prof. Dr. Mike Geppert

Mike Geppert, Prof. Dr
Mike Geppert
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Room 4.150
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
  • Current and recently held positions
  • Short bio

    Mike joined the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena in January 2014. He studied Sociology, did his PhD in Organization Theory and worked as Lecturer in Organizational Sociology at Humboldt University in Berlin. Before joining the Friedrich Schiller University, Mike was a Professor of Comparative International Management and Organization Studies at Surrey Business School at the University of Surrey (2006-2014), Reader in International Management Studies at Queen Mary University of London and Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at Swansea University.

    Mike also held a number of visiting positions, for example at Copenhagen Business School, Social Science Research Centre Berlin, Rotterdam School of Management, Judge Institute of Management Studies at Cambridge, Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems of the University of Regensburg, IBMEC in Belo Horizonte, University College Dublin, and at the Sociology Departments of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Wake Forest University, Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    His work has been published in leading academic journals in the areas of international business and management, business management, organization studies, industrial relations, and sociology, reflecting his multidisciplinary research interests and commitment to interdisciplinary work. Mike is also the author and co-author of a number of books.

    Mike has been actively involved in various scholarly activities at various international academic associations and conferences, including the Academy of Management (AOM), the European Academy of Management (EURAM), the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), the Latin American and European Organization Studies (LAEMOS) and Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies (APROS), where he acted as organizer of conferences, tracks and expert panels. Most recently, he was one of the coordinators of the EGOS Standing Working Group on 'Multinational Corporations: Social Agency and Institutional Change' from 2012-2017. Furthermore, Mike was a leading member of the Academic Organizing Committee for the EGOS Colloquium in Tallinn in 2018External link.

    Mike's teaching covers conceptual ideas and research conducted in the areas of Organization and Management theory (OMT), International Business Management (IBM), International Human Resource Management (IHRM) and Industrial Relations (IR). He takes a student-centered, interactive and often a comparative approach to the analysis of problems of managing and organizing people in firms and organizations that operate internationally. He uses case studies and reports in the national and international media to encourage critical and reflexive thinking. Mike is also involved in teaching and mentoring doctoral students at national and international workshops. Internationally, he has contributed regularly to the doctoral workshops at the annual EGOS Colloquiums and at Paper Development Workshops for PhD and early career scholars in Central Eastern and Southern Eastern Europe, organized and sponsored by EGOS and Organization Studies, in collaboration with the OMT Division of the AOM. 

  • Research interests
    • Socio-political issues and micro-politics in and around organizations, especially in the context of multinational corporations and global value chains
    • Political and emotional aspects of organizational sensemaking
    • Actor-centred institutionalism
    • Comparative organizational studies of management, work and employment in the global context
  • Membership in academic and other scholarly bodies
  • Journal engagement
  • Selected current and former research activities
    • Team leader of study on the commercialization and privatization of European football clubs. This project is part of the new Special Research Unit (Sonderforschungs-
      bereich 294) of the Universities Jena and Erfurt which takes a broader sociological view of "Structural change of property regimes" and is funded by the Deutsche
      Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) from 2021-24.
    • Team leader of the project on 'Cross-border standardization and reorganization in European multi-national companies'. The project was funded by the European Trade Union Institute in Brussels, from 2016-2018.
    • Member of an international research team on the Norwegian Maritime industry cluster, based at BI Oslo and funded by the Norwegian Research Council, from 2011-2014.
    • Principal investigator of an international comparative study on 'Work and employment relations of European multinational grocery retailers: discounters and hypermarkets'. The project was funded from 2010-2013 by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung and involved research partners based in Finland, Germany, Ireland, Poland Spain, Turkey and the UK.
    • Member of an Anglo-German research project on the development of work systems in multinational corporations, based on the Humboldt University Berlin and leader of the British research team, from 1999-2001. The project was jointly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and European Business School at the University of Wales Swansea (Wales).
    • Member of the research project on 'Corporate Governance and management in SMEs', based on the Friedrich-Schiller-University, and leader of the British research team, from 2004-2005. The project was jointly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and British Academy.
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  • List of publications


    Geppert, M./Dörrenbächer, C./Bozkurt, Ö. (forthcoming): Reinterpreting multinational enterprises through a revitalized transnational social space Perspective. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Emerald: Bingley.

    Bozkurt, Ö./Geppert, M. (2021): A Research Agenda for International Business and Management. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham A Research Agenda for International Business and ManagementExternal link

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2017): Multinational corporations and organization theory. Research in the Sociology of Organizations.External link Emerald: Bingley.

    Becker-Ritterspach, F./Blazejewski, S./Dörrenbächer, C./ Geppert, M. (2016): Micropolitics in the multinational corporation: foundations, applications and new directionExternal links. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2011): Politics and power in the multinational corporation:  The role of interests, identities, and institutionExternal link. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (New paperback ed. In 2012)

    Geppert, M./Mayer, M. (2006), Global, national and local practices in multinational companies. Palgrave: Basingstoke.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Williams, K. (2002): Challenges for European management in a global context: Experiences from Britain and Germany. Palgrave: Basingstoke.

    Geppert, M. (2000): Beyond the learning organisation: Paths of organisational learning in the East German context. Aldershot: Gower, 197 pages.

    Editorship of special issues of academic journals

    2024 Guest editor (together with Ödül Bozkurt and Christoph Dörrenbächer) of the Special Issue ‘Multinational corporations and grand challenges: part of the problem, part of the solution?External link’ in Critical Perspectives on international business 20/2.

    2018    Guest editor (together with Stewart Clegg and Graham Hollinshead) of the Special Issue 'Politicization and political contests in contemporary multinational corporationsExternal link' in Human Relations, 71/6.

    2016    Guest editor (together with Florian Becker-Ritterspach and Ram Mudambi) of the Special Issue 'New organizational perspectives on the study of politics and power in the multinational company' in Organization Studies, 37/9.

    2014    Guest co-editor (together with Graham Hollinshead) of Special Issue on 'Multinationals, social agency and institutional change, variation by sectorExternal link' in Competition and Change, 18/2.

    2006    Guest co-editor (together with Dirk Matten and Peter Walgenbach) of the Special Issue 'Transnational institution building and the multinational corporationExternal link' in Human Relations, 59/11.

    2006    Guest co-editor (together with C. Dörrenbächer) of the Special Issue 'Micro-politics and conflicts in multinational corporationsExternal link' in Journal of International Management, 12/3.

    2002    Guest co-editor (together with Ed Clark) of the Special Issue on 'Management learning in post-socialist societiesExternal link' in Human Resource Development International, 5/3.

    1999    Guest co-editor (together with Kathleen Kantner) of the Special Issue 'Innovation im stahlharten GehäuseExternal link' (Innovation in the iron cage) Berliner Debatte Initial, Issue 3.

    Refereed journal articles

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M./Bozkurt, Ö. (2024): Multinational corporations and grand challenges: part of the problem, part of the solution?External link, Critical Perspectives on International Business, 20/2: 153-163.

    Schlindwein, E./Geppert, M. (2021): Towards a process model of emotional sensemaking in post-merger integration: linking cognitive and affective dimensions.External link Critical Perspectives on International Business

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert. M./Hoffmann, A. (2021): Contemporary restructuring trends in European multinational corporations: rationale and impact on labour and workers' participation.External linkCritical Perspectives on International Business

    Pastuh, D./Geppert, M. (2020): A "Circuits of Power"-based Perspective on Algorithmic Management and Labour in the Gig Economy.External link Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 27/2: 179-204.

    Becker-Ritterspach, F./ Saka-Helmhout, A./ Lange, K./ Geppert, M. (2019): Exploring the interaction of firm-level change and national institutional environments in shaping employment and union relations: a comparative case study of four European airlinesExternal link.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30/2: 276-305.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M./Pastuh, D./Tomenendal, M. (2018): Cross-border standardisation and reorganisation in European multinational companiesExternal link. ETUI Report 141. European trade union institute, Brussels.

    Clegg, S./Geppert, M./ Hollinshead, G. (2018): Politicization and political contests in contemporary multinational corporations: an introductionExternal link. Human Relations, 71/6: 745-765.

    Geppert, M./Pastuh, D. (2017): Total institutions revisited: What can Goffman's approach tell us about 'oppressive' control and 'problematic' conditions of work and employment in contemporary business organizations?External link. Competition & Change, 21/4: 253-273.

    Geppert, M./Hollinshead, G. (2017): Signs of Dystopia and Demoralization in global academia: Reflections on the precarious and destructive effects of the colonization of the LebensweltExternal link, Critical perspectives on International business, 13/2:136-150.

    Geppert, M./Becker-Ritterspach, F./Mudambi, R. (2016): Politics and power in multinational companies: Integrating the international business and organization studies perspectivesExternal link, Organization Studies, 37/9: 1209-1225.

    Lange, K./Geppert, M./Saka-Helmhout, A./Becker-Ritterspach, F. (2015): Changing business models and employee representation in the airline industry: A comparison of British Airways and Deutsche LufthansaExternal link, British Journal of Management, 26/3: 388-407.

    Geppert, M. (2015): Reflections on the methods of how we present and compare the political contents of our research: A prerequisite for critical institutional researchExternal link, Journal of Management Inquiry, 24/1: 100-104.

    Geppert, M./Williams, K./Wortmann, M. (2015): Micro-political game playing in Lidl: A comparison of store-level employment relationsExternal link, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 21/3: 241-257.

    Geppert, M./Williams, K./Wortmann, M./Czarzasty, J./Kaðnýcýoðlu/Köhler, H.-D./ Royle, T./Rückert, Y./Uçkan, B. (2014): Industrial relations in European hypermarkets: Home and host country influencesExternal link, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 20/3: 255-271.

    Geppert, M./Williams, K./ Wortmann, M. (2014): Patterns of employee relations governance in a large British multinational food retailer: An unusual case of a longstanding partnership?External link, Competition and Change, 18/2: 200-220.

    Geppert, M./Hollinshead, G. (2014): Multinationals, social agency and institutional change; variation by sector, Competition and ChangeExternal link, 18/2: 195-199.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2014): Power and politics in multinational corporations: Towards more effective workers' involvementExternal link, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 20/2: 295-303.

    Geppert, M./Dörrenbächer, C. (2014): Politics and power within multinational corporations: Mainstream studies, emerging critical approaches and suggestions for future researchExternal link, International Journal of Management Reviews, 16: 226-244.

    Geppert, M./Dörrenbächer, C./Gammelgaard, J./Taplin, I. (2013): Managerial risk-taking in international acquisitions in the brewery industry: Institutional and ownership influences comparedExternal link. British Journal of Management, 24: 316-332.

    Saka-Helmhout, A./Geppert, M. (2011): Institutional Influences on agency within multinational corporationsExternal link. Management International Review, 51/5, 567-592.

    Clark, E./Geppert, M. (2011):  Subsidiary integration as identity construction and institution building: A political sensemaking approachExternal link, Journal of Management Studies, 48/2: 395-415.

    Geppert, M. (2010): Teaching critical management studies in business schools: Does it matter?External link, Critical Policy Studies, 4/4: 425-427.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2010): Subsidiary staffing and initiative-taking in multinational corporations: A socio-political perspectiveExternal link. Personnel Review, 39/5: 600-621.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2009): Micropolitics in multinational corporations: Outline of a new research field. Management Revue, 20/4: 373-391.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2009): A micro-political perspective on subsidiary initiative-taking: Evidence from German-owned subsidiaries in FranceExternal link. European Management Journal, 27: 100-112.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Walgenbach, P. (2006): Transnational institution building and the multinational corporation: An emerging field of researchExternal link. Human Relations, 59/11: 1451-1465.

    Clark, E./Geppert, M. (2006): Socio-political processes in international management in post-socialist contexts: Knowledge, learning and transnational institution buildingExternal link. Journal of International Management, 12/3: 340-357.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2006): Micro-politics and conflicts in multinational corporations: Current debates, re-framing, and contributions of this Special IssueExternal link. Journal of International Management, 12/3: 251-265.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D. (2006): Institutional influences on manufacturing organization in multinational corporations: The 'cherrypicking' approachExternal link. Organization Studies, 27/4: 491-515.

    Geppert, M./Williams, K. (2006): Global, national and local practices in multinational corporations: Towards a socio-political frameworkExternal link, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17/1: 49-69.

    Williams, K./Geppert, M. (2006): The German model of employee relations on trial: Negotiated and unilaterally imposed change managementExternal link, Industrial Relations Journal, 37/1: 48-63.

    Geppert, M. (2005): Competence development and learning in British and German subsidiaries of MNCs: Why and how national institutions still matterExternal link. Personnel Review, 34/2: 155-177.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Schmidt, P. (2004): Die Bedeutung institutionalistischer Ansätze für das Verständnis von Organisations- und Managementprozessen in multinationalen UnternehmenExternal link (The relevance of institutionalist approaches for the analysis of organisation and management processes in MNCs). Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 14/3: 379-397.

    Matten, D./Geppert, M. (2004): Work systems in heavy engineering: The role of national culture and national institutions in multinational corporationsExternal link. Journal of International Management, 10/2: 177-198.

    Geppert, M. (2003): Sensemaking and politics in MNCs: A comparative analysis of vocabularies within the global manufacturing discourse in one industrial sectorExternal link. Journal of Management Inquiry, 12/4: 312-329.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./ Williams, K. (2003): Change Management in MNCs: How global convergence intertwines with national diversitiesExternal link. Human Relations, 56/7: 807-838.

    Geppert, M./Clark, E. (2003): Knowledge and learning in transnational ventures: An actor-centred approachExternal link. Management Decision, 41/5: 433-442.

    Geppert, M./Williams, K./Matten, D. (2003): The social construction of contextual rationalities in MNCs: An Anglo-German comparison of subsidiary choiceExternal link. Journal of Management Studies, 40/3: 617-641.

    Williams, K./Geppert, M./Matten, D. (2003): Challenges of the German model of employee relations in the era of globalisation. EBS Review (Estonian Business Review), Autumn: 183-196.

    Geppert, M. (2002): Intertwining organisational learning and institutional settings: Evidence from organisational case studies in the East German contextExternal link. Journal for Eastern European Management Studies, 7/1: 6-26.

    Clark, E./Geppert, M. (2002): Management learning and knowledge transfer in transforming societies: Approaches, issues and future directionsExternal link. In: Human Resource Development International 5/3: 263-277.

    Matten, D./Geppert, M. (2002): La gestione strategica nelle multinazionali: La cultura e le istituzioni nazionali nel processo di globalizzazioneExternal link. Studi Organizzativi, 3: 39-70 (in Italian language).

    Geppert, M./Merkens, H. (1999): Learning from one's own experience: continuation and organizational change in two East German firmsExternal link. Human Resource Development International, 2/1: 25-40.

    Geppert, M. (1996): The German experience of privatisation. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 11: 74-78 (in Russian language).

    Geppert, M. (1996): Paths of managerial learning in the East German contextExternal link. Organization Studies, 17/2: 249-68.

    Contributions to books

    Geppert, Mike (2024): International Business as a field of study: Legacy, timid engagement with alternative critical approaches and future, In: L. McCann, E. Granter, Ö. Bozkurt, R. Finn, C. Hunter, N. Kivinen, A. Kumar & B. Wierman (eds.) Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. (in press).

    Geppert, M./Bozkurt, Ö (2021): A Research Agenda for International Business and Management: The promises and prospects of thinking outside the box, In: Ö. Bozkurt and M. Geppert (eds): A Research Agenda for International Business and Management (pp 1-20). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. A Research Agenda for International Business and ManagementExternal link

    Geppert, M. (2017): Intertwining organisational learning and institutional settings: Evidence from organisational case studies in the East German contextExternal link. In: T. Steger, R. Lang and Rybnikova, I. (eds): Special Issue of the Journal of Eastern European Management Studies on Management in CEE Countries between 1996 and 2016: Emerging and enduring issues (pp. 139-157). Nomos: Baden-Baden [reprint of journal article].

    Geppert, M. /Hollinshead, G. (2017): International Management, In: A. Wilkinson, S. Armstrong and M. Lounsbury (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Management (pp. 497-517).External link Oxford University Press: Oxford.

    Dörrenbächer, C./ Geppert, M. (2017): Multinational corporations and organization theory: an introduction to post-millennium perspectivesExternal link, In:  C. Dörrenbächer, C. and M. Geppert (eds): Multinational corporations and organization theory: Post-millennium perspectives. Research in the Sociology of Organizations (pp. 3-42). Emerald: Bingley.

    Becker-Ritterspach, F./ Blazejewski, S./ Dörrenbächer, C./ Geppert, M. (2016): Introduction, In: F. Becker-Ritterspach, S. Blazejewski, S., C. Dörrenbächer, C. and M. Geppert (eds): Micropolitics in the multinational corporation: foundations, applications and new directionsExternal link (pp. 1-13). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

    Dörrenbächer, C./ Geppert, M. (2016): Advancing research on micropolitics in MNCs: an elite perspective, In: Micropolitics in the multinational corporation: foundations, applications and new directionsExternal link (pp. 266-280). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

    Geppert, M./ Dörrenbächer, C. (2016): Advancing research on political issues in and around MNCs: The role of discursive sensemaking. In: Micropolitics in the multinational corporation: foundations, applications and new directionsExternal link (pp. 243-254). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

    Geppert, M./ Williams, K. (2016):  Seminal contributions of the institutionalist and micropolitics schools, In: Micropolitics in the multinational corporation: foundations, applications and new directionsExternal link (pp. 141-165). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Becker-Ritterspach, F./ Geppert, M. (2013): Local subsidiary managers strategizing in initiative-taking: The role of location commitment, initiatives at stake, and the organizational setting, In : G.S. Drori, M.A. Höllerer and P. Walgenbach (eds): Organizations and managerial ideas: Global themes and local variations (pp. 383-396).  Routledge: Abingdon.

    Taplin, I./Gammelgaard, J./ Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2013): The demise of Anheuser-Busch: Arrogance, hubris and strategic weakness in the face of intense internationalization, In: J. Gammelgaard and C. Dörrenbächer (eds.): The brewery industry in globalized markets ( pp. 269-287). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.

    Geppert, M./Dörrenbächer, C. (2011): Politics and power in the multinational corporation: an introduction, In: C. Dörrenbächer and M. Geppert (eds.): Politics and power in the multinational corporation: The role of interests, identities, and institution (pp. 3-38). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

    Williams, K./Geppert, M. (2011): Bargained globalization: employment relations providing robust "tool kits" for socio-political strategizing in MNCs in Germany, In: C. Dörrenbächer and M. Geppert (eds.): Politics and power in the multinational corporation: The role of interests, identities, and institution (pp. 72-100). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2009): Micro-political strategies and strategizing in multinational corporations: The case of subsidiary mandate change, In: L.A. Constanzo and R.B. MacKay (eds): Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight (pp. 200-218). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.

    Geppert, M./ Martens, B. (2008): Corporate financing, management and organization in SMEs: An Anglo-German comparison, In: K. Bluhm, and R. Schmidt, (eds.):  Change in SMEs: Towards a new European capitalism? (pp. 58-76). Palgrave: Basingstoke.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2007): The impact of foreign subsidiary manager's socio-political positioning on career choices and their subsequent strategizing: Evidence from German-owned subsidiaries in France, In: M. Özbilgin and A. Malach-Pines (eds.): Career choices in management and entrepreneurship (pp. 240-257). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Schmidt, P. (2006): Hintergründe und Probleme der Transnationalisierung multinationaler Unternehmungen: Globale Isomorphismen, national business systems und 'transnationale soziale Räume' (Backgrounds and problems of the transnationalization of multinational firms: Global isomorphisms, national business systems and transnational social spaces). In: U.Mense-Petermann and G. Wagner (eds.): Transnationale Konzerne als neuer Organisationstyp?: Organisationstheoretische und empirische Beträge zum Problem der Glokalität (Transnational firms as a new organisational form: Organisation theoretical and empirical contributions to the global-local dilemma) (pp.85-120). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden.

    Geppert, Mike (2006): Kultur und Organisation : in international vergleichender PerspektiveExternal link (Culture and organisation: in international comparative perspective). In: Rehberg, Karl-Siegbert (Ed.) ; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) (ed.): Soziale Ungleichheit, kulturelle Unterschiede: Verhandlungen des 32. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in München. Teilbd. 1 und 2. (pp. 3235-3246), Frankfurt a. M.: Campus.

    Geppert, M./Mayer, M. (2006): Introduction. In: M. Geppert and M. Mayer (eds.): Global, national and local practices in multinational companies (pp. 1-14). Palgrave: Basingstoke.

    Williams, K./Geppert, M. (2006): Employment relations as a resource in the socio-political construction of transnational social spaces by multinational companies: Evidence from German and British subsidiaries. In: M. Geppert and M. Mayer (eds.): Global, national and local practices in multinational companies (pp. 38-60). Palgrave: Basingstoke.

    Pawlowsky, P./Geppert, M. (2005): Organisationales Lernen (Organisational learning). In E. Weik and R. Lang (eds.): Moderne Organisationstheorien 1: Handlungsorientierte Ansätze (Modern organisation theories: Action orientated approaches), (2nd ed., pp. 259-293). Gabler: Wiesbaden.

    Geppert, M. (2003): Critical revision of some core ideas within the discourse about the learning organization: Experiences from field research in East German companies. In: W.A. Pasmore and R.W. Woodman (eds.): Research in organizational change and development (Vol. 14, pp. 257-282). JAI Press: Greenwich, CT.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Williams, K. (2002): Challenges for European management in a Global context: Introduction, approaches and directions of future research. In: M. Geppert, D. Matten and K. Williams (eds.): Challenges for European management in a global context: Experiences from Britain and Germany (pp.1-16). Palgrave: Basingstoke.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Williams, K. (2002): Global change management approaches in multinational corporations and distinct national trajectories: Britain and Germany compared. In: M. Geppert, D. Matten and K. Williams (eds.): Challenges for European management in a global context: Experiences from Britain and Germany (pp. 42-67). Palgrave: Basingstoke.

    Geppert, M. (2002): The learning organisation revisited: Critique of some core ideas based on field research in East German enterprises. In: R. Lang (ed): Personalmanagement im Transformationsprozess (Personnel management in the process of transformation) (pp. 247-267). Rainer Hampp Verlag: München and Mering.

    Merkens, H./Geppert, M./Antal D. (2001): Triggers of organizational learning during the transformation process in Central European countries. In: M. Dierkes, A. Berthoin Antal, J. Child and I. Nonaka (eds.): The handbook of organizational learning and knowledge (pp. 242-263). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Merkens, H./Geppert, M./Antal, D. (2001): Triggers of organizational learning during the transformation process in Central European countries, In: M. Dierkes, A. Berthoin Antal, J. Child and I. Nonaka (eds.): The handbook of organizational learning and knowledge (pp. 185-200). Shanghai: People's Publishing House (in Mandarin).

    Geppert, M. (2000): Keyword article: Joan Woodward. Industrial Organization. In: K. Türk (ed.): Hauptwerke der Organisationstheorie (Essential readings in organisation theory) (pp. 339-41). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

    Geppert, M./Kachel, P. (1995): Die Treuhandanstalt am Ende - ein historischer Abriß und kritische Beurteilung aus volkswirtschaftlicher und organisationstheoretischer Perspektive (The East German privatisation agency in the end: a historical approach and a critical review from macro-economic and organisation theorist perspectives). In: R. Schmidt and B. Lutz (eds.): Chancen und Risiken der industriellen Restrukturierung in Ostdeutschland (Chances and risks in the industrial restructuring in East Germany) (pp. 69-106). Berlin: Akademieverlag.

    Further academic publications

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2013). The dark side of the moon: power and politics in the multinational corporation. The European Financial Review, April - May 2013: 25-28.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Williams, K. (2003): The Limits to globalisation in multinational companies: Experiences from an Anglo-German research project. Die Mitbestimmung, 8/03: 52-56.

    Geppert, M. (2002): Change management approaches in MNCs: A comparison of sensemaking and politics in British and German subsidiaries. Management Research News, 25/8/9/10: 58-60.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Williams, K. (2002): Change management in MNC: How global convergence intertwines with national diversities. Academy of Management (Best Paper) Proceedings 2002, IM: C1-6.

    Kantner, C./Geppert, M. (1999): Editorial: Innovation im "stahlharten Gehäuse" (Editorial: Innovation in the 'iron cage'). Berliner Debatte Initial, 3/99: 2.

    Geppert, M. (1994): The problems of intraorganisational change in East-German firms. Journal of Business Education, 3/2: 20-28.

    Geppert, M. (1992): Anpassungsschwierigkeiten von Unternehmen der Ex-DDR. Eine Problemskizze. (Adaptation problems of former GDR companies. A problem approach.) Forum humane Technikgestaltung, 5: 68-73.

    Working papers, research reports and research notes

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M./Pastuh, D./Tomenendal, M. (2018): Cross-border standardisation and reorganisation in European multinational companiesExternal link. ETUI Report 141. European trade union institute, Brussels.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2016): The Integration-Responsiveness Framework: A Review and Application of the Concept. BIIBS Working Papers, 03/2016, Berlin Institute for International Business Studies, Berlin.

    Geppert, M./ Wortmann, M./Czarzasty, J./Kağnicioğlu, D./Köhler, H.-D., Rückert, Y./ Royle, T./Uçkan, B./Williams, K. (2012): Final Report on research project on 'Work and Employment Relations of European Multinational Grocery Retailers: Discounters and Hypermarkets'. Hans Böckler Foundation, Düsseldorf.

    Dörrenbächer, C./Geppert, M. (2005): Micro-political Aspects of Mandate Development and Learning in Local Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations. Discussion Paper SPIII 2005-202, Social Science Research Centre, Berlin. (ISSN 1011-9532)

    Williams, K./Geppert, M./Matten, D. (2003): Challenges for the German model of employee relations in the era of globalization. ICCSR Research Paper Series 2003/5. Nottingham. (ISSN 1479-5116)

    Geppert, M. (2002): Conference Report. Journal for East European Management Studies, 7/2: 212-213.

    Geppert, M./Michailova, S. (2002): Report from the 17th EGOS Colloquium 'The odyssey of organizing'. Lyon 5-7 July 2002. Sub-theme 30: 'Managing and organizing in transitional societies'. Organization Studies, 23/2: 213.

    Becker-Ritterspach, F./Geppert, M./Lange, K./Lohr, K./Matten, D./Williams, K. (2002): Management of change in multinational companies: Global challenges and national effects. Documentation of the research conference, 16-17 November 2001, at the Humboldt University in Berlin on behalf of the Anglo-German Foundation, Berlin, Germany.

    Geppert, M./Matten, D./Williams, K. (2001): The design of work systems in national subsidiaries of multinational companies: Globalisation, national institutions and managerial choice. EBMS Working Paper 2001/7. Swansea. (ISSN 1470-2398)

    Geppert, M./Williams, K./Matten, D. (2001): The social construction of change management in MNCs: An Anglo-German comparison. EBMS Working Paper 2001/9. Swansea. (ISSN 1470-2398)

    Geppert, M. (2000): Wissensmanagement und Organisationslernen in "jungen Unternehmen". In: Methoden der Weiterbildung und Personalentwicklung in kooperativen Strukturen, Documentation of the 1st Conference of the 'Network Biotechnology', Berlin, 2.12.1999: 59-70.

    Geppert, M. (2000): Paths of organisational learning in the context of East German Transformation: An interactionist perspective. EBMS Working Paper 2000/13. Swansea. (ISSN 1470-2398)

    Geppert, M./Schmidt, S. (1993): Von der "DDR-AG" zur Treuhandanstalt in Liquidation? Anmerkungen zum Umgang mit dem ehemaligen "Volksvermögen". Discussion Paper FS II 93-202, Social Science Research Centre, Berlin. (ISSN 0724-5084)

    Book reviews

    Bozkurt, Ö./Geppert, M. (2021): A Research Agenda for International Business and Management. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. A Research Agenda for International Business and ManagementExternal link

    Glenn Morgan/Peer Hull Kristensen/Richard Whitley: The multinational firm: Organizing across institutional and national divides, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2001. 321pp. Organization, 12/2, 2005: 302-304.

    Karin Breu: East German managers in transition: A study into individual change in transformative contexts, Rainer Hampp: München and Mering, 2000. 274pp. Human Resource Development International 4/2, 2001: 275-277.

    Janice McLaughlin/Peter Rosen/David Skinner/Andrew Webster: Valuing technology. Organisations, culture and change, Routledge: London/New York, 1999. 259pp. Sociological Research Online, 4/4, 2000:

    Brian Toft/Simon Reynolds: Learning from Disasters. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994, 140pp, Industrial & Environmental Crisis Quarterly, 9/3 1996: 405-410.

    Bereichsrezension: Veränderung von Arbeit, Beruf und Wirtschaft in Ostdeutschland, Soziologische Revue 4/1 1996: 550-555.

    Siegfried Bleicher/Eberhardt Fehrmann (eds.): Autonomie und Organisation - Die neuen ArbeitnehmerInnen. Hamburg: VSA-Verlag, 1992, 240pp. Berliner Debatte Initial, Heft 4 1993: 109-112.

    Conference papers

    2018 "Beyond Restructuring: Intensified cross-border standardisation and centralisation in multinational companies and the role of workers' participation" (written together with C. Dörrenbächer, A. Hoffmann, D. Pastuh and M. Tomenendal) at 2nd BiennialConference on "What Does Co-Determination Do? What Can We Learn from Research?", Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Germany.

    2018 "Macro- and micro-level politics in and around multinational corporations" (written together with Dirk Matten) at the 7th LAEMOS Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    2017 "What means cross-border standardization today and how does it affect the politicization of contemporary multinational companies" (presented together with Christoph Dörrenbächer) at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    2016 "Exploring modern R&D networks in MNCs - linking dynamic capabilities and networks with local issue selling tactics for R&D mandates" (written together with Elena Scolnaia) at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy.

    2016 "Sensemaking in the context of MNC mergers and acquisitions: an emotional sensemaking approach to subsidiary integration" (written together with Eva Schlindwein) at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy.

    2016 "Dystopia and Demoralization: Reflections on the precarious and destructive effects of the colonization of the Lebenswelt of British academia" (written together with Graham Hollinshead) at the 6th LAEMOS Conference in Vina del Mar, Chile.

    2015 "Strategic business model change: the role sensemaking, institutions and politics" (written together with Knut Lange and Jon Lervik) at the APROS-EGOS Conference in Sydney, Australia.

    2015 "Revisiting Erving Goffman: Elements of Total Institutions in work and employment practices of Hard-Discount-Food-Retailers" (written together with Daniel Pastuh) at WORK 2015 conference in Turku, Finnland.

    2015 "Sensemaking with institutions about strategic business model change: the case of a Norwegian family firm" (written together with Knut Lange and Jon Lervik) at the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece.

    2015 "Elements of total, greedy & reinventive institutions in work and employment practices of contemporary service sector business organizations" (written together with Daniel Pastuh) at the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece.

    2014 "Sensemaking and -giving in the process of business model changes: 'crooked progress' and the role of institutions" (written together with Knut Lange) at the 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

    2013 "Micro-political games in Lidl stores: A cross-national comparison of employment relations" at the Mini-Conference on "Multipolar Learning at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

    2013 "Multiple institutional demands and divergent responses in employment and industrial relations in the European airline industry" (written together with Florian Becker-Ritterspach, Ayse Saka-Helmhout and Knut Lange) at the 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, Canada.

    2013 "Patterns of employee relations governance and social agency in the European food retail sector: partnership in the UK food retail industry" (written together with Karen Williams and Michael Wortmann) at the 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, Canada.

    2013 "Micro-political game playing in a European hard discounter: a comparison of store level employment relations" " (written together with Karen Williams and Michael Wortmann) at the 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, Canada.

    2013 "Learning, sensemaking and sensegiving in organizations: A Deweyan perspective" (written together with Max Visser and Cath Filstad) at the Conference Management Learning: Learning to publish, publishing to learn, Lancaster University, UK.

    2012 "Changing business models: How traditional airlines address the challenge of low cost carriers" (written together with Knut Lange, Florian Becker-Ritterspach and Ayse Saka-Helmhout) at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in 2012 in Boston, USA.

    2012 "Organizational responses to contradicting institutions in the European airline industry" (written together with Ayse Saka-Helmhout, Florian Becker-Ritterspach and Knut Lange) at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in 2012 in Boston, USA.

    2012 "Micro-political game playing in European hard discounters: an international comparison of work organisation and employment in Lidl stores" (written together with Karen Williams and Michael Wortmann) at the pre-conference workshop of 28th EGOS colloquium, Helsinki, Finland.

    2012: "Industrial relations in European multinational food retailers: a comparison of hypermarkets in seven European countries" (written together with Karen Williams and Michael Wortmann) at the pre-conference workshop of 28th EGOS colloquium, Helsinki, Finland.

    2011 "Employment relations in the European Food Retail Industry: the role of globalization and national institutional contexts" (written together with Karen Williams and Michael Wortmann) at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the British Journal of Industrial Relations, London School of Economics, UK.

    2011 "Power and politics in organizational learning and knowledge: a pragmatist approach" (written together with Cath Filstad and Max Visser) at the 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden.

    2011 "The adoption of new business models in the aviation industry: socio-political implications" (written together with Knut Lange, Florian Becker-Ritterspach and Ayse Saka-Helmhout) at the 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden.

    2010 "Politics and power in the multinational corporation: the role of interests, identities and institutions" (written together with Christoph Dörrenbächer) at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.

    2010 "Politics and power in the multinational corporation: the role of interests, identities and institutions" (written together with Christoph Dörrenbächer) at the 3rd Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies (LAEMOS), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    2010 "Bargained globalisation: employment relations providing robust 'tool kits' for socio-political strategizing in multinational companies in Germany" (written together with Karen Williams) at the 3rd Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies (LAEMOS), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    2009 "Acquisitions and risk-taking in the global brewery industry: A comparative institutionalist study" (written together with Christoph Dörrenbächer, Jens Gammelgaard and Ian Taplin) at the 25th  EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.

    2008 "Bargained globalisation in Germany: Multinational companies, local actors and socio-political strategizing" (written together with Karen Williams) at the 24th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    2008 "Socio-political positioning and strategizing of key managers in cases of mandate changes"(written together with  Christoph Dörrenbächer) at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.

    2007 "Comparative aspects of case study research in the MNC: Some insights and experiences on how we 'comparing the incomparable'" at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.

    2007 "Strategizing in situations of mandate change in MNCs: The impact of key subsidiary managers' socio-political positioning" (written together with Christoph Dörrenbächer) at the 23rd EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria.

    2007 "Organisational learning within MNCs: The role of institutions and actors' orientations" (written together with Ayse Saka-Helmhout) at the 23rd EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria.

    2006 "Institutional environments and management strategies: First findings of a British-German comparison" at the International Conference about 'Small and Medium-sized Firms under Changing Conditions of New (European?) Capitalism' at the University of Jena, Germany.

    2006 "Mandate development in local subsidiaries of MNCs: Micropolitcal strategies and practices"(written together with Christoph Dörrenbächer) at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.

    2005 "Micro-political aspects of mandate development and learning in local subsidiaries of multinational corporations" (written together with Christoph Dörrenbächer) at the 21st EGOS Colloquium, Berlin, Germany.

    2004 "Kultur and Organisation in international vergleichender Perspektive" (Culture and Organisation: an international comparative perspective) at the 32nd Congress of the German Sociological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie), Munich, Germany.

    2004 "Societal effects, international trade and multinational enterprises" (written together with Arndt Sorge) at the Symposium "Transnational institution building and the multinational corporation" at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, USA.

    2004 "The knowledge and learning in international ventures: Exploring the socio-political dimension of transnational institution building in post-socialist contexts" (written together with Ed Clark) at the 20th EGOS Colloquium, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    2004 "The use of employment relations in the socio-political construction of transnational social spaces in multinational companies: Britain and Germany compared" at the 4th Annual Conference at the European Academy of Management, St. Andrews, UK.

    2004 "Current aspects of the local-global dilemma in MNCs: The contribution of institutionalist approaches" (written together with Dirk Matten) at the Annual Conference of the Commission "International Management" of the German Association of Business Administration, Ludwigshafen-Limburgerhof, Germany.

    2003 "Challenges for the German model of employee relations in the era of globalization" (written together with Karen Williams and Dirk Matten) at the First International HRM Conference in Estonia "People Friendly Management", Tallinn, Estonia.

    2003 Discussant paper on "Why culture matters" at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Seattle, USA.

    2003 "Socio-political sensemaking and emergent institutional implications: Linking human agency and the construction of transnational social space" (written together with Ed Clark) at the 19th EGOS Colloquium, Standing Working Group 1: Comparative Study of Economic Organizations, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    2003 "The contribution of the European and American institutionalism to the theory of the multinational firm: National business systems, 'transnational social space' and globalisation" (in the German language; written together with Dirk Matten and Peggy Schmidt) at the 65th Annual Meeting of the German Association of Business Administration, Zurich, Switzerland.

    2003 "Global, national and local practices in multinational corporations - A socio-political framework" (written together with Dirk Matten and Karen Williams) at the 3rd Annual Conference of European Academy of Management, Milan, Italy.

    2003 "Work systems in heavy engineering: The role of national culture and national institutions in multinational corporations" (written together with Dirk Matten) at the 4th Annual International Business Research Forum 'From markets to partnerships and hierarchies to coalitions: Perspectives on the modern multinational corporation', Philadelphia, USA.

    2003 "Competence development and learning in British and German subsidiaries of MNCs: why and how national institutions still matter" at the 27th Conference of the Commission 'Organisation' of the Academic Association of Business Administration in Germany, Augsburg, Germany.

    2002 "Learning and knowledge sharing in MNCs: An Anglo-German comparison" at the 2nd Annual Conference at the European Academy of Management, Stockholm, Sweden.

    2002 "Sensemaking and politics in multinational companies: A comparative analysis of vocabularies within the global manufacturing discourse" at the 18th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.

    2002 "Institutional foundations of manufacturing strategies in multinational corporations: evidence from Britain and Germany" (written together with D. Matten) at the 18th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.

    2002 "Change management in MNC: How global convergence intertwines with national diversities" (written together with D. Matten and K. Williams) at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Denver, USA.

    2002 "Sensemaking and politics in MNCs: A comparative analysis of vocabularies within the global manufacturing discourse in one industrial sector" at the 17th Annual Employment Research Unit Conference at the Cardiff Business School', Cardiff, UK

    2002 "Knowledge transfer and management learning in transforming societies: human agency and the construction of social space" (written together with E. Clark) at the 5th Annual International Business and Economics Conference 'Harmony and Hegemony in an Era of Globalization' at the St Norbert College, De Pere (WI), USA.

    2001 "Change management in MNCs: How global convergence intertwines with national diversities" (presented together with K. Williams and D. Matten) at the Research Conference of the Anglo-German Foundation, Berlin, Germany.

    2001 "The Learning organisation revisited: Critique of some core ideas based on field research in East German enterprises" at the conference 5th Chemnitzer Eastforum on "Human Resource Management in Transition", Chemnitz, Germany.

    2001 "The design of work systems in national subsidiaries of multinational companies: Globalisation, national institutions and managerial choice" (written together with K. Williams and D. Matten) at the Founding Conference of the European Academy of Management, Barcelona, Spain.

    2001 "The social construction of change management in MNCs: An Anglo-German comparison" (written together with K. Williams and D. Matten) at the 17th EGOS Colloquium, Lyon, France.

    2001 "The Learning organisation revisited: Critique of some core ideas based on field research in East German enterprises" at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Washington D.C., USA.

    2000 "Organisational learning in the East-German context - Micro-dynamic processes with macro-level consequences" at the 16th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland.

    2000 "Intertwining organisational learning and institutional settings: Paths of organisational learning in the East German context" at the Second International Conference "Connecting Learning and Critique", Lancaster University, U.K.

    2000 "Organisational learning in different social contexts" presentation at a Poster Session at the "Learning and Practice" conference at the Manchester School of Management, UMIST, Manchester, UK.

    1999 "Beyond the 'learning organisation': Institutional conditions of knowledge management and organisational learning" at the Autumn Conference of the Section "Industrial and Organisational Sociology" of the German Society of Sociology at the Gerhard-Mercator-University, Duisburg, Germany.

    1998 "Learning from one's own experience: Continuation and change in two East-German firms" (written together with H. Merkens) at the 14th EGOS Colloquium, Maastricht, Netherlands.

    1997 "Bürgergutachten als Stadtplanung von unten. Erfahrungen in Deutschland und Nordamerika" (Participatory research of citizens as bottom-up urban planning: Experiences from Germany and North America) (written and presented together with F. Fischer and H. van der Wall) at the 18th Berliner People's University "Globalisation: Solidarity or Barbarianism?", Berlin, Germany.

    1994 "The role of managerial responsibility to stakeholders in times of change" (written and presented together with P. Davis and S. Bygate) at the "Ethics in Transition" Conference, University of Agricultural Sciences, Gödöllö, Hungary.

    Presentations at research seminars and workshops

    2018 "Micro- and macro-political issues in and around multinational corporations", Presentation for Module 48500 "Interkulturelles Management und Wirtschaftskommunikation" University of Passau, Germany.

    2018 "Macro- and micro-level politics in and around multinational corporations", Research Seminar Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland.

    2017 "Bridge-building between organization theory and international business for studying multinational companies: a one-way road?", Research Seminar at UCD Michael Smurfit Business School, Dublin, Ireland.

    2016 "Reflections on the precarious and destructive effects of the colonization of the Lebenswelt of British academia - and what we can learn from it", Research Seminar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.

    2016 "Dystopia and Demoralization: Reflections on the precarious and destructive effects of the colonization of the Lebenswelt of British academia", Research Seminar at the the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK.

    2014 "Micro-political game playing in a European hard discounter: a comparison of store level employment relations", Management School, Royal Holloway University of London.

    2013 "Power and politics in multinational corporations: the role of worker involvement" at ETUI (European Trade Union Institute) Monthly Forum (September), Brussels, Belgium.

    2013 "Micro-political game playing in stores of a European hard discounter: Empirical evidence from international comparisons in five countries", Research Seminar at the Department of Organisation, Work & Technology (DOWT), University of Lancaster, UK.

    2012 "Politics and Power in Multinational Corporations: Conceptual ideas and empirical evidence" at the Research Seminar at the Turku School of Economics, Finland.

    2011 "The adoption of new business models in the aviation industry: socio-political implications" at 3rd ICAROS workshop, University of Surrey, UK.

    2011 "Studying MNCs: Towards a socio-political framework", Comparative Employment Relations and Governance (CERG) Seminar, London School of Economics, UK.

    2011 "Studying MNCs: Towards a socio-political view", Research Seminar at the Department of Organisation, Work & Technology (DOWT), University of Lancaster, UK.

    2010 "Politics and power in the multinational corporation: The role of interests, identities and institutions" Research Seminar at the Nijmegen School of Management, The Netherlands.

    2010 "Work and employment relations of European multinational grocery retailers: discounters and hypermarkets" (together with Michael Wortmann), Research Seminar at the Dept. of Internationalization and Organization at Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany.

    2010 "The influence of conflicting institutions on the adoption of the low cost aviation model" (together with Ayse Saka-Helmhout, Florian BeckerRitterspach, Knut Lange and Ilir Haxhi), Research Workshop of the International Consortium for Airline Research in Organization Studies (ICAROS), Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany.

    2009 "Bargained globalisation: The role of employment relations and socio-political strategizing in multinational companies in Germany", University of Leeds, UK.

    2008 "The influence of ownership structures and home country institutions on the internationalization of brewing corporations", Research Workshop at Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    2008 "The last of the "Big Six" swallowed by continental lager brewers: The case of Scottish & Newcastle" (together with Sebastian Dieng), Research Workshop, Venice, Italy.

    2006 "Contributions and limits of institutionalist studies of the MNC: Towards a socio-political framework" at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.

    2006 "Contributions and problems of institutionalist research of the MNC: Towards a socio-political framework" at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany.

    2006 "Change management in the multinational company: transnationalisation, national diversity and local practices" at the Technical University Vienna, Austria.

    2006 "Contributions and problems of institutionalist research of the MNC: Towards a socio-political framework" at Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK.

    2006 "Micro-politics and conflicts in MNCs: Current debates and re-framing" at the Dept. of Sociology, Wake Forest University, USA.

    2006 "The management of the multinational: Institutionalist contributions and new developments" at King's College, University of London, UK.

    2006 "Towards an understanding of socio- and micro-political processes in MNCs: Topics and empirical evidence" at the Dept. of Economics and International Business at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

    2005 "The local-global dilemma in MNCs revisited: Institutionalist contributions" at the School of Management and Organizational Psychology at Birkbeck College, University of London, UK.

    2005 "The local-global dilemma in MNCs revisited: Institutionalist contributions" at the Department of Internationalization and Organization, Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany.

    2005 "Current aspects of the local-global dilemma in MNCs: The contribution of institutionalist approaches" at the Research Seminar of the School of Business and Economics, University of Wales Swansea, UK.

    2005 "Current aspects of the local-global dilemma in MNCs: The contribution of institutionalist approaches" at the Research Colloquium of the Buckinghamshire Business School, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, UK.

    2004 "The importance of institutionalist approaches to understand organisation and management in multinational corporations" at the Business and Economics Research Seminar at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.

    2004 "Career start and work at British universities" at the 1st Alumni Seminar at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.

    2003 "Knowledge transfer and management learning in transforming societies: human agency and the construction of social space" (written together with Ed Clark) at the ERU Research Seminar at the Cardiff Business School, UK.

    2002 "Change processes in multinational companies: Globalization, national effects and local strategies". Research Workshop: Management cultures in transition? at the Specific Research Section 580 (Sonderforschungsbereich 580) at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany.

    2002 "Sensemaking and politics in MNCs: A comparative analysis of vocabularies within the global manufacturing discourse in one industrial sector" at the ERIM Research Workshop 'Competencies in MNC' at the Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

    2002 "Sensemaking in multinational companies: A cross-national comparison of British and German subsidiaries" at the HRM Department Seminar Programme of the Luton Business School, Luton, UK.

    2002 "Learning and knowledge sharing in MNCs: An Anglo-German comparison" at the Research Seminar of the Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK.

    2001 "The social construction of change management in MNCs: An Anglo-German comparison" (written together with K. Williams and D. Matten) at the ESRI Workshop in Portoroz, Slovenia.

    2000 "Paths of organisational learning in the process of East-German transformation" at the Research Workshop of the Department of Research and Technology of Daimler-Chrysler in Berlin, Germany.

    1999 "Privatisation policy and the social and economic transformation of East Germany" at Centre for Contemporary Political Issues, University of Sunderland, UK.

    1999 "Knowledge management and organisational learning in small companies and start-ups" at the 1st Conference of the 'Network Biotechnology' in Berlin, Germany.

    1998 "Job creation centres as 'Learning Organisations'" at the QEM Symposium "Learning and social context: Competence development in the creation of regional structures" in Berlin, Germany.

    1998 "Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsgesellschaften als lernende Organisationen" (Job creation centres as learning organisations) at the Research Workshop "Lernen im sozialen Umfeld: Kompetenzentwiklung im Auf- und Ausbau regionaler Strukturen" (Learning in a social context: Competency development in the creation and development of regional structures), Berlin, Germany.

    1996 "Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsgesellschaften als lernende Organisationen" (Job creation centres as learning organisations), ISA Consult Research Workshop, Henningsdorf, Germany.

    1995 "The German way of privatisation" at the Centre for Social Studies, Moscow State University, Russia.

    1995 "Paths of managerial learning in the East German context" at the EMOT Workshop: "Managerial Learning in the transformation of Eastern Europe", St. John's College at the University of Cambridge, UK.

    Keynote speeches at conferences, symposiums and panels

    2017 Invited as expert, keynote speaker and panelist at the Conference "Beyond Restructuring: the role of workers' participation in addressing intensified cross-border standardisation and centralisation in multinational corporations" at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels.

    2016 Organizer of EGOS-Sub-Plenary  on "Manufacturing Disengagement? - Current Changes of work and organization in business schools" at 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy.

    2014 Invited as keynote speaker at the AOM Symposium on "Making institutional theory more critical" at AOM conference in Philadelphia in August.

    2014 Keynote presentation on "Studying Management and Employment Relations in a European Hard Discounter: A Challenge for Conventional Institutional Theory" at the Retail Research Day at University of Jyvaskyla, School of Business and Economics, Finland.

    2014 Invited Speaker at IBMEC in Belo Horizonte (Brazil).

    2013 Keynote presentation on "Changes of the Lebenswelt in British universities: a personal view" at EGOS Panel on "Attacks on Social Sciences: Crisis or the same as we've seen before?" at 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, Canada.

    2012 Keynote at LAEMOS Panel on "Instituciones y organizaciones: a diez anos de distancia" (together with Dick Scott, Niels Brunsson, Ingo Bode and Jorge Calebro), at the Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Cientas Economico Administrativas, Departmento de Politicas Publicas, Mexico.

    2012 Keynote as Invited Speaker to Chinese leaders of AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China) on "Strategies and structures of multinational corporations: Key concepts and new research results", London, UK.

    2011 Keynote presentation at EGOS Symposium on "Politics and Power in the Multinational Company", organised at 27th EGOS colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden.

    2011 Keynote presentation at the EURAM Forum on "Is management culture global?", organised by SIG International Management at 11th EURAM conference, Tallinn, Estonia.

    2011 Keynote presentation at the IBM Symposium on the "Politics and power in the MNC" at the Institute of Management Berlin (IMB), Berlin, Germany.

    2008 Keynote presentation on "Developing Skilled Labour at British Universities", at the International Conference Panel "Regional initiatives to keep skilled labour", organised by the German Trade Union Association (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB) Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam, Germany.

    2001 Keynote presentation on "Globalisation: Modes, myths and models: Experiences from an Anglo-German research project"(written and presented together with D. Matten), at the Annual Meeting of the DAAD-Lectors in Great Britain and Ireland, London, UK.

    1997 Keynote presentation on "Participatory research" (presented together with Prof. Frank Fischer/Rutgers University, USA) at the Conference "Citizens plan their city" at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.