Dr. Daniel Pastuh

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Daniel Pastuh, Dr
Dr. rer. pol.
Daniel Pastuh
Room 4.155
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
  • Short bio

    Daniel Pastuh received his master degree from the University of Tübingen where he studied sociology, political science and business. Along with his academic education he worked as financial consultant in the private sector, as tutor and teaching assistant in context of various lectures and seminars at the Institute of Sociology and participated in several research projects carried out by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW) in Tübingen.

    After finishing his bachelor degree in 2010 where he worked on the thesis about the role of ideology in Multi-Level-Marketing organizations, he wrote his master thesis on working time arrangements in 2013. His master level research was part of an externally funded research project that focused on the role of new firms for the development of new forms of work in contemporary society.

    He joined Mike Geppert's team at FSU Jena in March 2014 as lecturer and PhD student where he continues his work in the areas of sociology of work, organizational studies, and critical management studies.

    Besides his PhD-project which dealt with employment conditions, managerial control, and stakeholder relations in different organizational settings such as contemporary retail organizations and gig-work-platforms he is also interested in research on power and micropolitics in supranational collective bargaining processes and industrial relations.

  • Research interests
    • Business models and employment in platform capitalism
    • Stigma theory/Organizational stigmatization
    • Theories of power and political agency in organizations
    • Intra-organizational politics, politicking, and issue-selling in MNCs
    • Theories on the social impact of technology in organizations
    • Contemporary standardization-, reorganization- and digitalization- trends in MNCs
    • The relationship of formal and technological organizational structures and micro-political processes in MNCs
    • Cross-border workers' participation and  industrial relations in MNCs
    • Research on supranational labor representation bodies, esp. European Works Councils
    • Empirical and theoretical analysis precarious work and 'problematic' organizational inclusion in contemporary business models
    • Developements in Retailing and retail sector employment
    • Multi-Level-Marketing organizations
  • Memberships
    • Schumpeter Center for Research on Socio-Economic Change (JSEC), University of Jena
  • Journal engagement
    • Book Reviewer for "Journal of International Management"
    • Reviewer for "Critical Perspectives on International Business"
    • Reviewer for "Journal of East European Management Studies" (JEEMS)
    • Reviewer for "New Technology, Work and Employment" (NTWE)
  • Former research projects
    • 2016-2018: "Cross-border standardisation and reorganisation in European multinational companies", Project funded by the European trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels .
    • 2010-2013: "Young Firms and the Changing World of Work", Project funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation.
  • List of publications

    Peer-reviewed journal articles

    Working papers, research reports and research notes

    • Koch, A./Pastuh, D./Späth, J. (2013): New Firms and New Forms of Work.  IAW Discussion Paper 97, Institute of Applied Economic Research Tübingen, Germany.

    Book reviews

    • Gili S. Drori/Markus A. Höllerer/Peter Walgenbach (Eds.): Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management-Perspectives on Glocalization, Routledge, New York/London 2014. Journal of International Management 21, 2015, 78-81.

    Conference papers

    • 2020 “The Dynamics of Power and Resistance in Platform-Based On-Demand Labour Arrangements - A Literature Review Through the Lens of Socio-Political Theory” at the 36th EGOS Colloquium, hosted by the University of Hamburg.
    • 2018 "Power, Profits and Precarity: Studying Labor Relations and Organizational
      Control in Gig Work Arrangements from a Circuits of Power Perspective" (written together with Mike Geppert), Autorenkonferenz zum Industrielle Beziehungen Schwerpunktheft:Digitale Arbeitswelten und -beziehungen, Hamburg, Germany.
    • 2015 "Elements of total, greedy & reinventive institutions in work and employment practices of contemporary service sector business organizations" (written together with Mike Geppert) at the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece.
    • 2015 "Revisiting Erving Goffman: Elements of Total Institutions in work and employment practices of Hard-Discount-Food-Retailers" at WORK 2015 conference in Turku, Finland.
    • 2013 "New Firms and New Forms of Work" (written together with Andreas Koch and Jochen Späth) at Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER 2013) in Brescia, Italy.

    Presentations and workshops (selection)

    • 2020 “Power and Resistance in Platform-Based On-Demand Labour Arrangements - A Review Through the Lens of Socio-Political Theory”. Presentation held at the 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, July 2nd-4th, hosted by the University of Hamburg.
    • 2020 (together with Aline Hoffmann, ETUI): "Know your MNC, know your EWC. Mapping organizational strucutres, decision-making and influence channels in multinational companies". Presentation held at the ETUI pilot workshop "Addressing Multinationals’ Strategy with Workers Participation" in Brussels, Belgium.
    • 2019: "Und was macht man dann damit?! Berufsorientierung für SoziologInnen". BMBF-funded workshop presentation held at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences,  
      Departement of Sociology at the University of Tübingen, Germany.
    • 2017: "One size manages all? New organisational concepts and standardization trends in contemporary Human Resource Management". Presentation held at the EWPCC 2017 organized by the ETUI Brussels, Belgium.

Current thesis supervisions

  • Master thesis: “Working title: The micro-foundations of social evaluations in the platform economy” (Sabrina Kubitschke)
    Sabrina Kubitschke
    Sabrina Kubitschke
    Image: Sabrina Kubtischke

    The empirical master thesis investigates contemporary forms of platform-based on-demand labor through the lens of current research on social evaluations and organizational stigma. Based on the analysis of secondary data and qualitative interviews with freelance drivers of the US ridesharing company the thesis aims to deepen our understanding of how individual experiences of organizational stakeholders are linked to positive and negative social evaluations of organizations.


    About the author:

    Sabrina Kubitschke studied Business Administration (BA) in Brunswick as part of an integrated degree program with SKANDIX AG. In 2018, she started her Master studies in Business Administration at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena.

    E-Mail: sabrina.kubitschke@uni-jena.de