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Survey on Networking in Knowledge Generation and Innovation: Rationals, Mechanisms and Policy Relevance
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Graphic: Nils Grashof

NetSurvey - Survey on Networking in Knowledge Generation and Innovation: Rationals, Mechanisms and Policy Relevance

German Title: NetSurvey - Survey zur Vernetzung bei Wissensgenerierung und Innovation: Rationale, Mechanismen und Politikrelevanz


The planned project pursues a number of complementary objectives and is oriented towards different target groups: Companies and cluster/network management, science and politics.

The primary scientific goal is to deepen the knowledge of networking processes and a systemic R&I policy. For the survey a conceptual approach is chosen (...)

  • which includes the science sector S, the business sector B, and the civil society C and thus analyses networking between and among the different actors and knowledge dimensions;
  • that captures the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical breadth of networking along the dimensions of B2B, S2S, S2B, and C2B and compresses it to key building blocks and structures, mechanisms, and dynamics of networking and its outcomes;
  • that captures, classifies and interprets the range of systemic R&I policies based on the conceptual foundations, in a clearly structured manner;
  • which pays close attention to questions of policy effectiveness and, in turn, systematically analyzes, documents and interprets corresponding empirical studies on the basis of the conceptual foundation developed;
  • which, on the basis of the analyses and compilations elaborated, argues from a perspective in which recent developments in theory building, empirical approaches and policy evaluation design are illuminated and from which consequences are drawn for improved and new approaches to a networking-oriented, systemic R&I policy (especially against the background of the Grand Societal Challenges);
  • integrates own empirical analyses, e.g. in the form of meta-analyses, which allow to elaborate the essential results of a multitude of empirical studies with the same question and to clarify the heterogeneity of the results;
  • to extend the so far predominantly desk-research oriented elaboration of the interrelationships by workshops with different experts (entrepreneurs and policy makers).

Complementary to the scientific objective, the objectives for policy actors refer to (1.) the collection and processing of data and literature; (2.) the systematic integration of previous scientific results; and (3.) the systematic analysis and interpretation of policy effectiveness. Based on this new possibilities for future measures of systemic R&I policy are developed.

The complementary goals related to business and cluster/network management are primarily (1.) the structured preparation of success factors and barriers for cooperative relationships; and (2.) the provision of a condensed overview of structures and dynamics of networking and knowledge exchange.


Prof. Dr. Uwe Cantner, Prof. Dr. Dirk Fornahl, Prof. Dr. Matthias MenterExternal link, PD Dr. Holger Graf, Dr. Nils Grashof, Martina BurattiExternal link, Tobias Hädrich




NetSurvey is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBFExternal link) (03INTBF06).