
Tuesday,         25 January 2022:   8:30-16:15 – Human capital in closed and open economies
Wednesday,   26 January 2022:   8:30-14:30 – Technical change, task-based model, polarization
Thursday,       27 January 2022:   8:30-14:30 – Human capital, innovation and growth
Tuesday,         08 February 2022: 8:30-14:30 – Presentations of papers chosen for replication

The course will be online! 

Course outline

In this course, we will focus on skilled human capital and its relation with innovation and growth.

Topics include:

Human capital investment in closed and open economies; language as a special type of human capital; effect of technical progress (digitization) on skill composition; tendencies of polarization on the labor market; role of human capital for innovation and growth

The purpose is to make students familiar with important contributions and identify current topics.

Requirements for passing the course

Part I: Group work (20% of final grade):

  • Students have to participate in a group work and make a group presentation. Allocation of topics will be before Christmas; presentations will be during class on 26 and 27 January.

Part II: Replication study (80% of final grade):

Students are required to replicate the main parts of an empirical paper on the course’s topics (in a broad sense).

  • Presentation of the paper (20% of final grade):
    Students should select a suitable paper before the course and present this paper as well as their ideas about the replication during class on 8 February.
  • Replication (60% of final grade):
    Students have to submit a paper (some weeks after the course) describing the replication exercise. Further details will be provided during the course.

[If you are not familiar with quantitative or qualitative methods needed for a replication study, there might be other options for Part II. In this case, please get in touch with me.]

All parts have to be passed.


University of Jena (room to be announced); hybrid format (if demanded) for class on 8 February.


Please register by sending an email to by December 01, 2021 (first come, first served), listing the paper, you plan to present and replicate (giving 1-2 reasons for your choice).