

Image: pixabay
  • 2024 16th BHJL Workshop on Epirical Microeconomics / Applied Microeconometrics

    February 9, 2024

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together junior researchers from the cooperating chairs at the Universities of Bamberg, Halle, Jena and Leipzig who do applied microeconomic work.

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  • 2021 11th BHJL Workshop on Epirical Microeconomics / Applied Microeconometrics

    July 12, 2021

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together junior researchers from the cooperating chairs at the Universities of Bamberg, Halle, Jena and Leipzig who do applied microeconomic work.

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  • 2019 8th BHJL Workshop on Empirical Microeconomics / Applied Microeconometrics

    December 16/17, 2019

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together junior researchers from the cooperating chairs at the Universities of Bamberg, Halle, Jena and Leipzig who do applied microeconomic work.

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  • 2019 HiTh-Conference

    Conference on Skilled Migration and Labor Shortage in Non-Metropolitan Areas

    March 25/26, 2019

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  • 2018 4th BHJL Workshop on Empirical Microeconomics / Applied Microeconometrics
    • Date: 27/28 February 2018 in Jena
    • Aim: The aim is to bring together junior researchers from the cooperating chairs at the Universities of Bamberg, Halle, Jena and Leipzig who do applied microeconomic work.
  • 2017 Doctoral Workshop "Demographic change, migration and integration: interdisciplinary perspectives"
    • Date: 13/14 September in Jena
    • Organised by Matthias Huber, Chair of Economics/Public Finance; Lea Kvarantan Huber, Chair of Economic Geography
    • Financially supported by the Graduiertenakademie of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
    • Aim: Since decades migration has been an important topic not only in the public, but also in the scientific discussion of many disciplines. In particular, two aspects have been widely discussed: the need for migration and the challenges of the integration process in  the destination country. The need for migration depends on the economic growth, and also on the expected impacts of demographic change. The successful integration of immigrants in the host country is a complex process challenging many actors. Therefore, in many disciplines scholars work on that topic: e.g. in geography, economics, sociology, cultural science, politival science, education science or psychology. The workshop is aimed to highlight the interdisciplinary approach and to discuss recent research by young researchers. Though the interdisciplinary nature of the topic "migration", sometimes the discussion lack multi-disciplinary perspectives. We want to combine the perspectives from many different angles, identify differences and similarities, and offer an interdisciplinary exchange on migration related research qiestions.
    • Keynote Lectures:
      Felicitas Hillmann (IRS and TU Berlin) "Migration und Stadtentwicklung - Ein vergleichender Blick auf 4 Städte in Europa"
      Herbert Brücker (IAB) "The Long Road From War Into the German Labour Market - Novel Evidence from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Refugee Survey"
  • 2015 Workshop "Migration Barriers"
    • 6/7 November 2015 in Jena
    • Organised by the Chair in cooperation with the Jena Graduate School on Human Behaviour and Change (GSBC).
    • Aim: The aim of this workshop is to bring together economicsts and researchers from related disciplines who cast light on new developments in theoretical and empirical research related to the emergence, importance, and dismantling of migration barriers. Barriers can be due to individual characteristics, cultural differences, restrictive or non-harmonized policies, and combinations of these and other factors.
    • Keynote lecture:
      Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) "Borders and Policy Externalities: The Case of the US Asylum Policy"