What the Gender Pay Gap overlooks
Why it is not so much the gap in hourly wages but the gap in earned income that counts - also for old-age!
Article by Silke Uebelmesser and Alessandra Casarico in Oekonomenstimme about why it is not so much the gap in hourly wages but the gap in earned income that counts - also for old-age provision!
The gender pay gap in Germany is 18%. However, this figure overlooks the considerable differences in work hours. The resulting gap in earnings between men and women amounts to 34%. This gap should receive more attention - if only because of the consequences for later pension payments.
See (in German): https://www.oekonomenstimme.org/artikel/2022/03/was-die-lohnluecke-zwischen-frauen-und-maennern-uebersieht/External link