The Macroeconomics Research Group strives to produce high-quality research that provides new insights into policy-relevant problems. The group’s research centers on identifying the causes and consequences of economic fluctuations and evaluating the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies in promoting macroeconomic stability and economic equality. The group employs various quantitative methods, including structural macroeconomic models for simulation studies and time series and panel data analysis to examine macroeconomic data.
Selected Publications
- Bredemeier, C., F. Juessen, and R. Winkler (2023). Bringing Back the Jobs Lost to Covid-19: the Role of Fiscal Policy. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 55, 1703-1747. [LinkExternal link].
- An earlier version appeared in Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers 29, 2020, 99-140.
- Coverage: VoxEUExternal link, ÖkonomenstimmeExternal link, Business and Economics Blog, University of AntwerpExternal link.
- Bredemeier, C., F. Juessen, and R. Winkler (2023). Sectoral Employment Effects of State Fiscal Relief: Evidence from the Great Recession. Macroeconomic Dynamics 27, 998-1018. [LinkExternal link].
- An earlier version appeared in Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers 45, 2020, 147-166.
- Klein, M., H. Polattimur and R. Winkler (2022). Fiscal Spending Multipliers over the Household Leverage Cycle. European Economic Review 141. [LinkExternal link].
- Klein, M. and R. Winkler (2021). The Government Spending Multiplier at the Zero Lower Bound: International Evidence from Historical Data. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1-16. [LinkExternal link, AppendixExternal link].
- Bredemeier, C., F. Juessen, and R. Winkler (2020). Fiscal Policy and Occupational Employment Dynamics. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 52, 1527-1563. [LinkExternal link, AppendixExternal link].
- Lewis, V. and R. Winkler (2017). Government Spending, Entry and the Consumption Crowding-in Puzzle. International Economic Review 58, 943-972. [LinkExternal link]
- Angeloni, I., E. Faia, and R. Winkler (2014). Exit Strategies. European Economic Review 70, 231–257. [LinkExternal link]
- Bredemeier, C., F. Juessen, and R. Winkler (2023). Bringing Back the Jobs Lost to Covid-19: the Role of Fiscal Policy. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 55, 1703-1747. [LinkExternal link].
Economics Research Seminar
The Jena Economics Research Seminar (JERS) provides a platform for invited speakers to present their current research in economics. The seminar covers both empirical and theoretical contributions from all fields of economics. All presentations and discussions are conducted in English. The JERS is a collaborative initiative by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Schumpeter Center for Research on Socio-Economic Change, and the Jena Graduate Schools “Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change," “The Economic Impact of Digital Transformation,” and “The Economics of Innovative Change”. [Link de]