
Our Bachelor Programmes

  • Business and Economics (B.Sc.)

    The programme B.Sc. Business and Economics provides students with a broad education in the field of business and economics, with the possibility to specialise in certain sub-fields.

    The programme is offered in German.

  • Business and Languages (B.A.)

    The programme B.A. Business and Languages provides students with a broad education both, in the field of business and economics and in a language of their choice. In addition, students have the possibility to gain insights into linguistics, literary studies and cultural studies.

    The programme is offered in German.

  • Business and Economics (minor subject) (B.A.)

    The programme B.A. Business and Economics (minor subjects) provides students with a basic understanding of the field of business and economics. This knowledge complements the education students receive in their chosen major subject and will put them at a comparative advantage in the job market.

    The programme is offered in German.