

All information on Master courses and seminars.
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  • MW22.1 | Regional Development

    This course provides an overview on important issues of regional research and on policy approaches towards regional development. Selected topics include regional economic theories, causes of regional differences in income and wealth, determinants of regional development, possible strategies and measures for stimulating regional development, practice of regional policy with special focus on the EU.

  • MW22.3 | Innovation Systems

    This course discusses the main concepts of an innovation system and provides an overview on the different forms of labor division in innovation processes and the consequences that result from the high importance of a division of innovative labor for analysis and for policy. Core issues in the field will be addressed by guided reading and student's presentations. Selected topics include basic issues of a division of innovative labor, the main types of actors involved in innovation processes and their role, modes of knowledge transfer between actors, national, regional, and sectoral systems of innovation, the of the institutional framework as well as policy for innovation systems.

  • MW22.4 | Advanced Studies in Entrepreneurship

    This course provides an overview on important issues and results of entrepreneurship research and on policy approaches towards entrepreneurship. Core issues in the field will be addressed by guided reading and students presentations. Selected topics include the effects of personal environment on entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial personality, entrepreneurial choice, entrepreneurship and institutions as well as entrepreneurship policy.

  • MW22.6 | Seminar Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development

    This seminar focuses on business model innovation in entrepreneurial ecosystems. Within a case study format, students will assess the influences of (disruptive) innovators on the prevalent business models of incumbent firms from various industries. Based on the analyses, strategies shall be derived in order to ensure competitiveness and long-term profitability. The seminar paper has to be presented and discussed. Students will also have to discuss other seminar papers presented.

  • MW22.7 | Climate, Sustainable Development and Innovation

    The course deals with climate policy issues from an environmental, resource, and innovation economics perspective. Approaches to solving environmental problems on a regional, national, and international level are discussed and political instruments of climate policy are explained. Additional focus is laid upon the efficient use of non-renewable resources as well as upon sustainable developmen

Lecture & Exercise

MW 22.1. | Regional Development Lecturers  Exam Date
  Prof. Dr. Michael Wyrwich
Dr. Maria Greve
‎ ‎ 


MW 22.3 | Innovation Systems                                            Lecturers                                                    Exam Date            
Lecture: Tues, 14-16, Room: SR206 Prof. Dr. Matthias Menter 08.07.2024 
Room: SR114
Exercise: Mon, 14-16, Room: SR206 Martina Buratti ‎ ‎ 


MW22.4 | Advanced Studies in    Entrepreneurship              Lecturers                                                    Exam Date            
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Matthias Menter ‎ ‎ 
Exercise: ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ 


MW 22.6 | Seminar Entrepreneurship,            Innovation  and Regional Development

Lecturers                                                                               Submission   Deadline     
Kick-off: Prof. Dr. Matthias Menter ‎ 

Mid-term presentation:
Final presentation:

‎ ‎  ‎ 
Seminar Paper ‎ ‎  ‎ 


MW 22.7 | Climate, Sustainable          Development and Innovation                            Lecturers                                                                                  Exam Date                  

Lecture/ Exercise:
Mon, 12-14, Room: SR208
Thu, 16-18, Room: SR 113

Prof. Dr. Andreas FreytagExternal link
Prof. Dr. Matthias Menter

17.07.2024  Room: SR113