Master thesis

Master thesis

Here you can find all information on registering the master thesis.
Master thesis
Image: MD Duran von Unplash

Topic Selection

If you are interested in writing your master thesis at the Chair of Business Dynmics, Innovation and Economic Change, please select a topic within the thematic fields of innovation, entrepreneurship or pulic policy and regional development (Topic list) or propose a different topic that fits the general research direction at the chair.


Once you have selected potential topics for your master thesis, you can apply for supervision by sending the completed application formpdf, 276 kb · deto Supervisors are assigned based on the topic and the availability of our team. Registration is possible until 15.01., 15.04., 15.07. and 15.10. The notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by e-mail within two weeks. 


After you have been accepted for writing your master thesis at the Chair of Business Dynamics, Innovation and Economic Change and a topic is agreed with you propective supervisor, you can formally register with the Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) to start the thsis completition process. The processing time is 4 months.


Please follow our guidelines in completing your master thesis (Style & Writing Guidepdf, 449 kb · de). We recommend to use a reference management software, such as ZoteroExternal link, MendeleyExternal linkor JabrefExternal link.