Datei von Patrick Dylong, Paul Setzepfand and Silke Uebelmesser

Priming Attitudes toward Immigrants: Implications for Migration Research and Survey Design

Paper published in European Journal of Political Economy
Datei von Patrick Dylong, Paul Setzepfand and Silke Uebelmesser
Image: Privat


Priming Attitudes toward Immigrants: Implications for Migration Research and Survey Design

Paper by Patrick Dylong, Paul Setzepfand and Silke Uebelmesser published in European Journal of Political Economy

Using data from two representative population surveys with more than 3000 participants, we examine the effect of randomized priming interventions on attitudes toward immigrants and preferences for immigration policy. We document robust null effects of these interventions in two experimental settings, across two surveys, and for a range of specifications. Our results suggest that (economic) attitudes toward immigrants may be less sensitive to priming than previous research suggests when priming intensity is moderate. We thus (i) provide evidence for settings in which intentional priming interventions are ineffective, and (ii) suggest a reference point for unintentional priming effects. We conclude that researchers should not be overly concerned about confounding priming effects when designing surveys to elicit attitudes toward immigration.

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