Research Fields

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This research field aims to provide comprehensive insights into the factors that drive business creation and growth and contribute to a thriving economic landscape. Central to our research is the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems. We investigate how networks of organizations, individuals, and institutions contribute to a vibrant environment conducive to entrepreneurship. By analyzing the roles of resources, policy frameworks, and social networks, we aim to understand how these elements interact to facilitate innovation and business development.

A significant strand of our research explores the impact of digital tools and platforms. We examine how digital technologies enable new forms of entrepreneurial activity and affect business dynamics. Our studies delve into the role of new technologies and investigate the impact of technology adoption.

Another critical focus is on social and sustainable entrepreneurship. We study how businesses can achieve economic success while addressing environmental and social goals. This includes developing new business models that prioritize sustainability, exploring green innovations, and understanding how entrepreneurial ventures can drive positive societal change.

Studies on entrepreneurial universities and academic entrepreneurship also play a significant role in our research. We investigate how academic institutions act as catalysts for entrepreneurial activity, supporting the commercialization of research. Our research highlights the importance of fostering an environment where students and faculty can develop and launch startups, thereby contributing to regional economic development.



Our research in the field of innovation centers on understanding how new ideas, products, and processes generate economic and social value. We explore both technological and social innovations and their pivotal roles in driving economic growth and social change.

A primary focus of our research is on innovation and value creation. We investigate the mechanisms through which innovation enhances competitiveness and stimulates growth within firms and industries. By examining how new innovations contribute to market success, we provide insights into the factors that foster a thriving innovation ecosystem.

University technology transfer and commercialization is another significant strand of research. We study how academic research is transformed into marketable products and services, analyzing the roles of technology transfer offices, intellectual property rights, and the collaborative efforts between academia and industry. This includes understanding the processes and challenges involved in bringing academic innovations to the market and the impact of effective commercialization strategies on economic development.

Our research also delves into business model innovation. We investigate how companies develop and implement new business models to adapt to changing market conditions and sustain competitive advantages. This area emphasizes strategies for adopting new technologies, shifting value propositions, and reconfiguring value chains. By highlighting the importance of agility and strategic foresight, we provide valuable guidance for businesses navigating the complexities of volatile dynamic environments.


Regional Development

This research field explores the factors that drive regional economic success, inform effective policy-making, and address regional disparities to promote balanced and inclusive growth. Our studies examine how economic activities are geographically distributed and influenced by various framework conditions. These include the availability of resources, infrastructure, supportive institutions and networks as well as historical, cultural, and policy factors.

A significant aspect of our research focuses on business dynamics. We investigate the factors influencing the growth and decline of businesses within regions. This includes examining the lifecycle of firms and industries but also ecosystems, from birth to growth, maturity, and potential decline. By studying these dynamics, we aim to provide insights into the conditions that foster sustainable business growth and regional economic resilience.

Additionally, our studies focus on the role of regional policies in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. We explore how regional policy frameworks can create conducive environments for innovative activities and entrepreneurial ventures, contributing to the overall economic vitality of regions.

Our research also delves into the long-term impact of historical events on current economic patterns. We explore how historical shocks and events shape present-day economic activities and regional disparities. Understanding the persistence of these economic patterns helps us identify the role of historical contexts in shaping regional development trajectories.


Public Policy

Our studies in the research field of public policy focus on evaluating the effectiveness of entrepreneurship and innovation policies. A key objective is to assess how different policy instruments support regional development and contribute to economic growth.

Our overarching goal is to provide evidence-based policymaking that inform the design and implementation of effective public policies. By conducting comprehensive analyses, we aim to support policymakers in developing strategies that not only stimulate economic growth but also address critical societal issues. Through our research, we contribute to the creation of robust policy frameworks that enhance regional development and promote sustainable and inclusive economic progress.

We analyze the policy mix—the combination of multiple policy instruments—and their collective impact on entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic performance. Our studies explore the synergies and trade-offs between various policy measures to provide recommendations for optimizing the policy mix. By considering potential interactions, we aim to create a cohesive and effective policy framework that achieves desired economic and social outcomes. This involves detailed evaluations of regional policy interventions and their impacts on fostering innovation and entrepreneurial activities.

Additionally, our research examines transformative economic policies that promote inclusive growth and address societal challenges such as inequality, unemployment, and environmental sustainability. We investigate how public policies can drive social change and economic development, ensuring that growth benefits all parts of society.