
G-Forum Annual Conference 2024

The UIW Chair successfully presented its papers.
Image: Christin Kollascheck by Canva


G-Forum Annual Conference 2024

The Chair of Business Dynamics, Innovation and Economic Change successfully participated at the G-Forum Annual Conference 2024 which took place from September 25 - September 27 in Ingolstadt, Germany.

Martina Buratti presented her paper entitled „Entrepreneurial ecosystem dynamics: The mutual relationship between entrepreneurial activities and technological complexity“. Felix Starke presented his paper entitled “Der Einfluss von Digitalisierung auf den Wissens- und Technologietransfer an Universitäten: Potenziale, Treiber und Herausforderungen”. Melissa Bejjani presented her paper entitled “Entrepreneurial ecosystems and digitalization: Challenges and enhancements of resource flows“. Emilie Neye presented her paper entitled “Advancing the third mission in European higher education institutions: Integrating social innovation in universities” (co-authored by Matthias Menter). Janina Voigt presented her paper entitled “The role and impact of technologies in entrepreneurial ecosystems: A systematic literature review” (co-authored by Matthias Menter). Max Schülting presented his paper “Aligning for innovation: The moderating effect of person-organization fit on business model innovation and firm performance” (co-authored by Matthias Menter and Lutz Göcke). Matthias Menter presented his paper “University business model redesign: How universities can create social impact through academic entrepreneurship” (co-authored by James A. Cunningham, Erik E. Lehmann, Emilie Neye, and Felix Starke). The paper “Aligning for innovation: The moderating effect of person-organization fit on business model innovation and firm performance” (co-authored by Matthias Menter, Lutz Göcke, and Max Schülting) further won the Norbert Szyperski Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement Research AwardExternal link2024, supported by the Szyperski Foundation.

G-Forum Ingolstadt

Image: Privat