
Altersvorsorgeplanung mit der digitalen Rentenübersicht – empirische Evaluierung (ADiREE)

Retirement planning with the digital pension dashboard - empirical evaluation
Image: Rentenuebersicht



Altersvorsorgeplanung mit der digitalen Rentenübersicht – empirische Evaluierung (ADiREE)

(Retirement planning with the digital pension dashboard - empirical evaluation)


Silke Übelmesser, Julia Peter together with Tabea Bucher KoenenExternal link (University of Mannheim and Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)), Prof. Dr Holger Stichnoth (University of Strasbourg and ZEW), Dr. Mathias Dolls (ifo Institute Munich) and others.

Digital pension information on future pension entitlements offers great potential for pension planning. Against the backdrop of major demographic changes, forward-looking and evidence-based planning is important for both individuals and political decision-makers. The central aim of the project is to provide empirical evidence on how the provision of digital pension information via the pension dashboard of the German Pension Insurance (digitale Rentenübersicht, digiRÜ) affects pension planning.

To this end, people in Germany are incentivised to use the digiRÜ in an extensive, multi-stage online survey. As part of a randomised experiment, participants in the surveys are divided into groups that should or should not use the digiRÜ. By comparing the groups, the causal effect of the digiRÜ on retirement planning behaviour can be determined. The repeated survey makes short and medium-term behavioural effects measurable.

The project aims to answer the following research questions:

(1) How does the digiRÜ change expectations about future retirement income and the retirement planning of individuals? Are pension gaps recognised? (How) are they closed?

(2) What potential do the digiRÜ data (in aggregated form) offer for the monitoring of old-age provision by welfare state actors?

(3) Which group differences and vulnerable groups can be identified? What potential does digiRÜ offer for their support?