Money 2

Third Party Funding

This page provides an overview of our ongoing third-party funded projects.
Money 2
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  • Retirement planning with the digital pension dashboard - empirical evaluation (ADiREE) (Prof. Dr. Übelmesser)

    Funded by: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)

    Digital pension information on future pension entitlements offers great potential for pension planning. Against the backdrop of major demographic changes, forward-looking and evidence-based planning is important for both individuals and political decision-makers. The central aim of the project is to provide empirical evidence on how the provision of digital pension information via the pension dashboard of the German Pension Insurance (digitale Rentenübersicht, digiRÜ) affects pension planning.

    To this end, people in Germany are incentivised to use the digiRÜ in an extensive, multi-stage online survey. As part of a randomised experiment, participants in the surveys are divided into groups that should or should not use the digiRÜ. By comparing the groups, the causal effect of the digiRÜ on retirement planning behaviour can be determined. The repeated survey makes short and medium-term behavioural effects measurable.

    The project aims to answer the following research questions:

    (1) How does the digiRÜ change expectations about future retirement income and the retirement planning of individuals? Are pension gaps recognised? (How) are they closed?

    (2) What potential do the digiRÜ data (in aggregated form) offer for the monitoring of old-age provision by welfare state actors?

    (3) Which group differences and vulnerable groups can be identified? What potential does digiRÜ offer for their support?

    Together with Prof. Dr Tabea Bucher-Koenen, University of Mannheim and Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Prof. Dr Holger Stichnoth, University of Strasbourg and ZEW, Dr Mathias Dolls, ifo Institute Munich.

    Duration: 2025-2027

  • Ownership of Universities (Prof. Dr. Geppert)

    The German Research Foundation funds the subproject (C05) as part of the CRC-TRR 294 "Structural Change of Property". (Mike Geppert, together with Tilman Reitz, Institute of Sociology)

    "Academic capitalism" has been discussed for a good 25 years. Nevertheless, universities in many countries have remained public, state-subsidized (or philanthropic) subsidized institutions. However, strategic realignments have also occurred at public and non-profit universities, which are changing the ownership structure. For example, autonomy in managing university resources has been increased in many places. In many higher education systems, assets and personnel budgets are increasingly managed according to private-sector patterns, income from tuition fees and the exploitation of research results are increased, and state funds are increasingly allocated on a competitive basis. This raises the question of who owns the institutions and the academically produced knowledge. At the same time, it remains to be clarified whether different forms of academic ownership play functionally equivalent roles – if, for example, in some countries, state sponsorship of universities dominates, while in others, they are mainly financed by tuition fees, some of which are subsidized by the state. Thus, it remains open whether different national strategies will develop into divergent capitalist knowledge orders. Our subproject will investigate these questions through data analysis, reconstructions of institutional change, and case studies in three institutionally heterogeneous higher education systems: the essentially publicly funded and designed system of Germany, the operationally heavily privatized but still publicly (cross-)financed higher education system of the United Kingdom, and the Brazilian system, in which higher education institutions are predominantly privately operated and to in large parts profit-oriented managed.

    By combining economic and sociological expertise, we plan to conduct a comparative study of the institutional transformation of 'academic capitalism' beyond mere discourses and instruments. In the subproject, previous research on intellectual property (Reitz) and ownership of public interest organizations (Geppert) will be continued in order to generate essential theoretical insights on the structural change of property beyond the subject area of higher education.

    A central point here is that the goods in which universities specialize differ from typical goods of industrial capitalism. Knowledge is a public good in several senses. It is (initially) a non-scarce commodity because it is not used up when used and is difficult to keep exclusive. In many places, teaching, even if it cannot be reproduced free of charge, is also considered primarily being a public task. On the contrary, this part of academic work can hardly be rationalized because it is irreducibly time-consuming. Attempts of automation lead to a loss of quality and performance. A leading assumption of the project is that, on the one hand, these specifics raise many of the cost problems to which academic ownership change responds, from New Public Management to opening to private investments. On the other hand, there are clear limits to implementation: only limited profit can be made with non-scarce goods and services that can hardly be rationalized. In the project, we will focus less on the new rules and media of intra-academic competitions, such as publication metrics, project funding, target agreements, assessments, and rankings, as these have already been well-researched. Instead, we are interested in the actual socio-economic conditions and effects of academic property relations.

    Based on selected universities in the example countries, our sub-project will examine three dimensions of this puzzle:

    1. Who owns the university, and what belongs to the university?
    2. Who owns academic research?
    3. When, how, and with what consequences do apprenticeships and qualifications become commodities?

    Question 1 is mainly concerned with the extent to which there is a clear trend towards more private university property and where its causes and limits may lie. Question 2 makes it possible to analyze the complex relationship between the profit strategies of universities and researchers and industrial political-based research funding strategies. With question 3, we shed light on the conditions under which the offer of expensive courses of study, where completion, in turn, promises economic advantages, prevails as a business model and what the socio-structural consequences are.

    Duration: 2025-2028

  • Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer (apl. Prof. Dr. Graf)

    The interdisciplinary project "Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer" at the FSU Jena is investigating the role of press releases in the transfer of knowledge between public research and society. Volker Gast (Institute of English and American Studies) and Holger Graf (Economics) are using computer-aided text analysis to investigate the phases and mechanisms of knowledge diffusion via various communication channels. Focussing on the connection between scientific publications, press releases and daily press articles, the aim is to trace the paths of knowledge dissemination from researchers to society. The intended project results should contribute to the optimisation of science communication and knowledge transfer.

    Duration 2024-2025

  • To stay or to go? Individual and institutional determinants of employment in old age from the perspective of employees and employers (Prof. Dr. Übelmesser)

    Funded by: Research Network on Old Age Security (Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung FNA)

    The project analyses from the perspective of employers and employees which factors influence whether employees close to retirement continue to work or retire (early). We consider monetary and non-monetary incentives as well as individual circumstances. The comparison of the employer and employee sides provides important insights into how the effective retirement age can be increased.

    The ageing of society, and in particular the imminent retirement of the baby boomer generation, poses a major challenge. In addition to the increasing labour shortage, this development has a major impact on the financial stability of the pay-as-you-go statutory pension scheme. It is therefore important to identify short to medium-term options for action. A key factor is the age at which employees are no longer available to the labour market. Many employees leave the labour market before reaching the statutory retirement age by taking advantage of partial retirement, severance schemes or the deduction-free pension for very long-term insured persons.

    Later retirement, especially for baby boomers, could lead to some short-term relief for the statutory pension scheme. This proposal centres on the question of how the effective retirement age can be increased. We look at this question from the employee and employer perspective. The existing literature shows that workplace characteristics, institutional framework conditions and individual factors are important. With the help of interviews and surveys with experiments among (near-retirement) employees and employers, we will investigate which factors are central to staying in the labour force longer, taking into account trade-offs on the employee and employer side. In addition, willingness to pay for key job characteristics will be determined and how this is influenced by the institutional framework (e.g. additional pension points). By considering the employer and employee side, factors can be determined that are desired by employees and appear possible from the employer's perspective. Focussing on these factors is a promising strategy to counteract the demographically induced decline in the short and medium term.

    Together with Prof. Dr. Sarah Necker, ifo Institute and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen Nuremberg

    Duration: 2024-2027

  • Universities in multiple competition: Changes in job advertisements for professorships 1990 to 2020 (Prof. Dr. Walgenbach)

    Funded by DFG

    The aim of the project is to analyse the effects of multiple competition in the higher education system against the background of its increasing internationalization. To this end, changes in job advertisements for professorships are to be examined. The filling of professorships plays a decisive role in the strategic positioning of universities in multiple competition. It can be assumed that the requirements of the various competitions in which universities find themselves are reflected in job advertisements for professorships. 

    Empirically, the research project focuses on the analysis of job advertisements for professorships in different disciplines at German universities between 1990 and 2020. Based on a detailed content analysis of these job advertisements, the research project aims to show how different competitions in the higher education system and in particular the increasing internationality of these competitions are reflected in job advertisements over time. Furthermore, the project aims to explain the alignment that occurs in the job advertisements of different disciplines and types of higher education institutions as well as the observable variation with the help of various contextual factors. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used. Theoretically, the project is based on institutionalist theories, in particular on arguments from neo-institutionalism (with particular reference to world society theory and the glocalization perspective), as well as imprinting theory. As a result, contributions to research on multiple competitions in the higher education system, on the strategic positioning of universities and on institutionalist organizational theories are expected.

    Project leader: Prof. Dr. Peter Walgenbach
    Project member: Lisa-Maria Gerhardt

  • Unternehmen Region (Prof. Dr. Cantner)

    Funded by BMBF

    The BMBF has been funding regional innovation alliances, R&D alliances, junior research groups and other innovation-promoting activities in eastern Germany through the ‘Unternehmen Region’ programme (since 1999). The funding was provided against the background that, as a result of the economic, political and social upheaval, the East German economy had not yet been able to develop important innovation-promoting factors such as large companies with strong research capabilities, internationally successful SMEs or strategic co-operation between players from science and industry. The individual programmes were developed successively over the years and each addressed current developments and challenges in the East German innovation system with specific objectives. The funding expired in 2022. The research consortium (consisting of the universities of Marburg and Mannheim as well as Prognos AG) is now evaluating the effects of the ‘Unternehmen Region’ programme family with regard to relevant individual actors (e.g. companies and research institutions) and the regional innovation system. The underlying evaluation concept is based on various success indicators (including research and innovation performance) and a mixed-method approach that includes both extensive qualitative procedures (e.g. regional case studies) and complex counterfactual analyses.

    Duration 2023-2025