When I arrive at Jena, what do I have to do first? How to enrol? How do I get a student mentor?
First go to the International Office of the university which will provide you with the most important informations. You have to enroll in this master program. You will receive a student ID card (THOSKA) and information to create an account for the electronic Friedolin systemExternal link. This system is important to register for courses and exams. Furthermore, the International Office could assign you a student mentor who will provide you some more support in the first weeks.
The International Office guides you through your first steps in Jena and the enrolment proces, see here.
I don't have an accommodation. What can I do?
The starting point for your search is the Studentenwerk ThüringenExternal link!
I need financial support. Are there scholarships I can apply for?
No, the FSU/faculty do not provide any scholarships. You can contact the DAADExternal link or look at scholarship databases can be found in the internet. e.g. this oneExternal link.
Where can I find my timetable?
You have to create your personal timetable by your own. Please find all relevant information in the handbookpdf, 579 kb · de of the program. The courses provided in the current semester as it can be seen in the Friedolin systemExternal link. If you need some assistance in building your timetable, please ask the program coordinator or the sudent tutors (of avaliable). For creating the timetable you will have to use the Friedolin systemExternal link.
Can I postpone enrollment? Can I enrol online?
Please check the website of the International Office, i.e. this one.
What is this "Bridging Course Economics"?
The aim of this course is to recapitulate basic Bachelor knowledge we expect from your Bachelor education. It comprises the fields: nathematics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and academic writing (planned for the future: statistics). This is "freshing up" you Bachelor knowledge or might also close gaps in your knowledge. Teachers could also refer to relevant chapters of this course in order to avoid recapitulating things we expect to ḱnow within the master classes. A brief description you can find herepdf, 81 kb · de.
The course is Moodle-based. It comprises a series of video tutorials (with slide collections), and Moodle quizzes for nearly each chapter. It is online/asynchronous without teaching in class but with a Q&A forum. Once when you are registered for the course, you can stay registered in this course during your entire studies.
Some studetns (about 40-50%) get a so-called "conditional admission". They are obliged to take this course. The reason is that we cannot really assess the content and quality of your Bachelor education only on the basis of your transcript of records. For a coupls of international students we experienced discrepancies between the knowledge and skills which could be expected based on the transcript, and the actual performance shown in the master classes. And some other students received their Bachelor degree several years ago and are "out of academia" since then. Therefore, we designed and implemented this course to make clear what we expect, and to give you the chance to recapitulate or to catch up and close some gaps, if necessary. All others who did not have the obligation to take this course are recomended to take it voluntarily.
At the end of the winter semester there is a written exam in class. Regarding the regulations when you fail in the exam, please see the handbookpdf, 579 kb · de, section 1.4.
I missed some classes. What can I do?
In most courses (except for seminars), the physical attendance in the classroom will not be controlled. In our perception, academic learning is in your own responsibility! If you miss some classes then you have to study the content by yourself at home. If you missed a class e.g. because of being sick you could also ask for support from your classmates.
Some courses in my curriculum are not available in Friedolin. Why?
Nearly all courses are provided either in the summer term or in the winter term. Courses which you are missing now will usually be available in the next term.
One exception are seminars which you will not find in Friedolin. For the allocation of seminar seats we use an own registration platform which assigns the seats according to your preferences. Studetns will be informed via email about seminar registration.
Can I join a course even if I have not registered in Friedolin?
Yes. You can register for the course later but within the first six weeks of the semester you have to register for the exam. It is possible (but not recommendable) to register for the exam only and not for the course. However, the Friedolin email facility and also access to moodle (e-learning platform) applies only to registered course participants, so you might miss important information provided by the teacher or access to materials if you are not registered. Registration for exams is manadtory. Without exam registration you cannot take the exam.
In Friedolin the module is splitted into two parts. What does this mean? Do I have to register for both?
If it is a 6 ECTS course (= lecture plus exercise classes) then you have to register for both. The German words are "Vorlesung" (= lecture) and "Übung" (= exercise).
I registered for a course but Friedolin does not give me a permission. What can I do?
It could be that the number of seats in the course are limited or that the room capacity has exceeded. In such a case Friedolin will not give you the permission. Contact the teacher to fix this problem.
I don't want to join a course anymore. What I have to do?
Cancel your registration for the course in Friedolin within the first six weeks of the lecture time.
When building my timetable I noticed some time conflicts among my courses. What can I do?
Whenn allocating time slots and rooms we try to minimize such conflicts. But since there are several master programs, and we have different specialization areas, and the students are in different terms, it is nearly impossible to find an allocation without any time conflicts! If there are time conflicts with block courses such like seminars, you will miss only few classes. Then it is still possible to attend the course and to be successfull in the exam.
Who can tell me what a certain course is about?
First, you should have a look to the module descriptionExternal link. For more detailed information please ask the provider/teacher of the course.
There is a course called "General Key Qualifications". What is that?
This module is explained in the handbookpdf, 579 kb · de, section 2.5.
There is a course called "Interdisziplinäre Grundlagen" ("Interdisciplionary Foundations"). What is that?
This module is explained in the handbookpdf, 579 kb · de, section 2.4.
Can I take language courses? Do they count for my program?
The Language Center de provides a couple of language courses which you can take. You can credit up to two language courses: for "General Key Qualifications" and/or for "Interdiscplinary Foundations", see handbookpdf, 579 kb · de of the prtogram.
We strongly recommend to take German language courses since this makes life at a German university much easier, and it is very important if you plan to stay in Germany.
How can I get a seat in a seminar?
There is a centralized online application procedure for all seminars which are provided in the subsequent term. The link to the online application platform and the registration period will be announced via Friedolin email. Please note that you must not participate in a particular seminar which you have passed already (although the topics might change). The online regsitration is binding.
Students who missed the registration deadline or would like to change to another seminar have to manage that on an individual basis.
If students postpone seminars to later terms so that they register for two seminars in one later term, we do not guarantee that they will be assigned to two seminars. Usually we a short in seminar seat supply. Only students in a high term who are in urgent need of two seminars will get two seats. We just guarantee that students could complete their studies in due time if they are following the proposed study schedulepdf, 59 kb · de.
I made some additional courses. Will they appear on my transcript?
Additional courses will be listed in your transcript of records. If, for example, you have more elective courses in your specializationa area than needed, the best ones can be taken for the calculation of the entire GPA, while the others are mentioned on the transcript as additional courses. The same applies for basic elective courses. However, it is not possible to "replace" specialization with basic courses and vice versa. Seminars and compulsory courses cannot be replaced. On demand, the grades of the additional courses could be omitted.
I want to make additional courses from other faculties. Will they count for my curriculum?
This has to be discussed individually with the program coordinator.
How and when I have to register for exams? How to cancel it?
You have to register for the exams within the first six weeks of the lecture time via Friedolin. Within this period you can also cancel your registration. After this period you have to provide written convincing reasons for cancellation. The examination committee is then deciding about the cancellation.
For retake exams you have to register at the examination office. See also this guidepdf, 15 kb · de.
I cannot register for an exam in Friedolin. What can I do?
There are two possible reasons for that: (a) You missed the registration deadline. Please register for exams within the first 6 weeks of the lecture time. That's enough time. (b) Friedolin has technical problems or is too busy. Then you can always go to the examination office and ask for a manual exam registration.
How and when I have to register for re-exams? How to cancel it?
Retake exams are organized by the particular chairs. Usually they tell the examination office the date of the retake, and the examination office is then responsible for the registration. It is a manual registration directly in the examination office. Keep in mind that also registrations for retakes are binding. If you register for a retake exam but do not participate, it will be graded as "failed".
Recall that usually you will be permitted for the retake only if you failed in the regular exam or if you had a medical attestation. It should not be possible to use the retake as an alternative "first trial".
Which are the rules for written exams?
The rules are explained herepdf, 15 kb · de.
I failed in an exam. What can I do?
You have the right to be re-examinated within one year (next time when the course is provided), but typically most teachers provide retakes in the subsequent term. If you fail in a compulsory course you can either participate in the retake or in the next regular exam. In case of an elective course we additionally allow to drop that course and exchange it by another elective course. The legal meaning of "elective" is that you can freely choose that course but afterwards you are committed to pass it. Therefore our practice to allow for an exchange with another elective course is a generous handling of the rules. See also this guidepdf, 15 kb · de.
I failed twice in an exam. What can I do?
If it is a compulsory course then you have to apply for a third examination (so-called "hardship case" application) because otherwise you cannot preoceed with your studies. In this case please ask the program coordinator what you have to do. He can give you a sample application letter. The examination committee will decide about that considering whether a successful completion of your studies is to be expected. If it is an elective course then you should consider very carefully whether a hardship case (third trial) makes sense because then you have to pass it. Instead, you can choose another elective course.
I failed three times in an exam. What can I do?
Nothing. You must pass the third examination, otherwise your studies are terminated without success. So before you apply for the third trial for an elective course, you should consider whether taking another elective course instead would eventually be the better option. Ask for training/support from your teacher before taking a third trial!
Can I be re-examinated in order to get a better grade?
No. If you have successfully passed an exam then you cannot be re-examinated. This does hold true also for seminars although the seminar topics might change. If an exam is composed of separately graded parts, then you cannot be re-examinated in those parts which you passed already.
I failed only in one part of the exam. What happens with the entire grade?
If the module examination is composed of different parts which are graded separately, then you have to pass all parts. It is always pre-announced how the total grade is composed. Example: 50% midterm exam + 50% final exam; or 20% presentation + 80% final exam. You will have to repeat only the part where you failed. The grade of the passed part is preserved.
An exception might be for seminars where it doesn't make sense, e.g. to repeat the "presentation of the paper" or the "participation in discussion". A failed seminar you have to repeat completely (or take another seminar instead).
In many cases the different parts are not graded separately. In this case please ask the teacher how the retake examination is organized. Usually the points of all separate parts are added and translated into an overall grade.
Who will supervise my thesis?
You have to search for a supervisor by your own. The topic of your thesis has to be related to your specialization area. You have to get in contact with a potential supervisor before the last term starts. Note, that not every potential supervisor might have free capacities. Although not being obligatory, it is highly recommendable if you have already some feasible topics or research questions in mind. Typically, you will first develop - based on the suggestions of your supervisor - a more detailed proposal before your thesis will be registered. Note that prparing a convincing proposal may take even more time if your thesis contains own empirical work.
When I have to register the thesis? How to do that?
The earliest date to register the thesis is when you have completed at least 60 ECTS in the courses. There are no fixed dates for registration (however, some chairs might have arranged their own time schedule for thesis registrations).
Recall that the 7th term is the very last one. You have not only to register but also to deliver the thesis before the 7th term end. Important: there are (temporarily) further extensions of the deadline due to Corona. Please ask the examination office for details.
Registration is done together with your supervisor using a registration form. This is done manually, not via Friedolin.
Is it necessary to stay enrolled and to be in Jena?
Usually, you must be an enrolled student when registering the thesis. For writing and submitting the thesis it is not necessary to stay enrolled. In most cases (depending on the supervisor) it is also not necessary to stay in Jena when writing the thesis. But you should keep in mind that in Jena you will have access to facilities like the liberary and the opportunity to meet your supervisor in person. In case you return to your home country, make sure that you send the three copies of the thesis to the examination office so that it arrives there in due time. Note: in countries where private VPN is forbidden or blocked, you will not have full access to publications via the ThULB.
I have difficulties in academic writing (seminar papers, thesis). Is there support?
The FSU provides some support, look here de.
A brief guide in academic writing you find in the Moodle "Bridging Course EconomicsExternal link".
Which specialization area I should choose?
This depends on your personal interests, intrinsic motivations, and plans for your future career. So we cannot say what you "should" choose. If you need some guidance please ask the program coordinator. Note that this is a research-oriented program in economics. It is not a program which equips you with practical skills for business.
I am interested in the double degree program with University of Insubria (Varese) or with University of Trento. How can I apply?
Students with the specialization area "Innovation and Change" may participate in the double degree program with Varese. The double degree program with Trento is open for students from all specialization areas, in particular "Economics and Strategy". Further information you get here de.
How is the GPA of my diploma calculated?
The specific calculations of the entire grade according to the examination order can be found herepdf, 48 kb · de.
Is it possible to study longer than 2 years?
Yes. An extension by two terms is unproblematic. Just enroll for the 5th (or 6th) term.
After the second extension term all exams you have not yet passed count as "fail". This means that your third extension term is the very last chance to complete these exams (including thesis). Recall that "terms on leave" do not count. Before you start your third extension term you have to consult the program coordinator. After these three additional terms (end of the 7th semester) you MUST have completed your 120 ECTS. International students should contact the International Office in case they need an extension of the visa.
We do not recommend to "plan" an extension at the beginning of your study! If you experience that in the first 2-3 semesters you earn significantly less thean 30 ECTS in average per semester, please contact the program coordinator for advice.
I want to study one term at another university. What should I do?
Please contact the Departmental International Office de which is specialized on this issue. You should check in advance whether the courses you will take at the foreign university can account for the master program in Jena. According to the philosophy of the ECTS system this should be unproblematic.
Are there any internships?
Internships are not a part of the study program. If you intend to make an internship you have to organize this by yourself or you go to specialized student organisations like AIESECExternal link. The FSU maintains a Career Point de which might also support you.You can also cntact the Alumni JenensisExternal link network for assistance.
If an internship is during the lecture time, it is possible to apply for a "term on leave" ("Urlaubssemester") so that this term will not count. We strongly recommend to do that. International students should contact the International Office since this is relevant for visa. Note that internships will prolong your study time. Especially if you are in the second extension term, we do not recommend to take any internships.
Are there student jobs?
All chairs have some student assistant jobs or tutor jobs. The number of jobs is very limited! Please look at the chairs whether there are job announcements. The situation is competitive since master students from different programs as well as Bachelor students apply for these jobs. Note that sometimes German proficiency is required.
I plan to make a PhD after my master program. What should I do to in order to be well prepared?
The best preparation for a future PhD is to have (very) good grades, to be intrinsically motivated for the things you are doing, and to choose a topic for the Master Thesis which is particularly research-oriented (depends on your supervisor) and also graded very good. If you know in advance that you will apply for a PhD program which has a certain focus then you might choose your specialization area close to it. For further information we refer to the Career Point de and the Graduate Academy.
I have more questions regarding career and organization.
A first starting point is always the website including the FAQ. There are different institutions or persons you may ask:
- International Office: regarding studying and living in Jena, visa issues etc.
- Student Service Centre: legal issues like enrollment etc., term on leave in case of internships
- Program coordinator. everything related to study organization and problems with hardship cases etc.
- Career Center de: all about your future perspectives
- Fachschaftsrat:External link services for students, representation of student's interest within the democratic self-government of faculties
- Alumni Jenensis e.V.External link: alumni network which could be helpful for finding internships and a job
What is the "Fachschaftsrat"?
In Germany universities have a democratic self-governance, based on the university law ("Hochschulgesetz"). Professors, assistants, and students organize their interests by electing representatives for different committees (such like examination committee) and organizational entities (such like faculties). The FachschaftsratExternal link is th student's representation on the level of the faculty.
Is there an Alumni organization?
Yes. It is called Alumni Jenensis e.V.External link Graduated students are welcome to become a memebr of the alumni network which is not only helpful for finding internships or a job, but also to keep in contact with your students mates. For details see website of Alumni JenensisExternal link.
I need emergency financial support.
The faculty or FSU do not provide regular financial grants. However, there exists emergency financial support for students in their last semester. Student can apply for such grants (which means they are not guaranteed) at the Student Service Center.
I am suffering from discrimination or mobbing. What can I do?
There are ombudspersons which could help you, see hereExternal link.
I think my exam/paper/thesis was graded in an unfair manner. What can I do?
First of all it is highly recommended to ask the teacher for feedback and explanation when revieweing your exam or seminar paper or thesis. However, grades are not an outcome of a bargaining process, and they are not changed "on request" or due to the "needs" of the student. They will be changed in case of clear mistakes of the teacher (e.g. when points are added wrongly; parts have been overlooked).
In cases of significant dissens regarding the grading of the thesis, the student could file a request (with convincing explanation of reasons) to the examination committee. The committee might then decide to call for a second report by another teacher. The final grade is then the mean of both grades. In case of a failed thesis, a second report is obligatory. Note, that the second report should be independent and thus could also lead to the same or even worse grade.