The DigiLab modules are accessible on Friedolin.External link
The slides from the information event on April 8, 2019 are accessible herepdf, 1 mb · de.
What is DigiLab?
- Students should be introduced to teaching content closely related to digitization to a greater extent. For working in a digitized job world, an improved and intensive training in method-based and application-oriented software courses is essential.
- After the successful completion of necessary courses, a supplementary certificate is issued to students. Those existing and new courses are closely related to digitization. The supplementary certificate certifies an up-to-date and attractive additional qualification that may serve as a unique selling point for graduates from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena.
- The students can earn DigiLab-Points depending on the extent that the software system is implemented and used in the corresponding course. The DigiLab-Points make up a fraction of the actual ECTS-points of that course. A corresponding list of courses and DigiLab-Points is updated annually and published on the website of the DigiLab (see below).
Accomplishments and levels
- There are four different levels of the DigiLab certificate:
- "Basic": The student has to earn at least 21 DigiLab points from corresponding courses.
- "Intermediate": At least 27 DigiLab points from corresponding courses.*
- "Advanced": At least 36 DigiLab points from corresponding courses.*
- "Expert": At least 45 DigiLab points from corresponding courses as well as a final thesis that fulfills the requirements that also apply to courses above.**
*The levels "Intermediate" and "Advanced" are additionally identified as "Intermediate Plus" and "Advanced Plus" respectively, if a final thesis that is applicable to the DigiLab criteria is provided.
**If the final thesis does not comply with the DigiLab criteria, the level "Expert" can be reached by completing additional courses to the extent of 20 DigiLab-Points (in sum 65 DigiLab-Points).
- DigiLab points are assigned after the successful completion of a DigiLab course (grade 4.0 or better). The grade can be related – if applicable – either to the DigiLab part of a course or to the final grade. The regulation has to be announced at the beginning of the course in question.
- At the request of the student, evidence of successfully completed DigiLab courses as well as the highest DigiLab level reached will be provided. The examination committee (Prüfungsausschuss) is responsible for the procedure of providing evidence. In case a certificate proving a lower level is to be replaced by a certificate of a higher level, this is to be requested by the student.
- An official document listing the highest achieved level that is signed by the faculty’s dean as well as a separate list of successfully completed DigiLab courses (including grades and average grade) can be handed out at request.
- The average grade is determined as the mean over all grades weighted by the number of DigiLab Points. Therein, only the best grades necessary for achieving the highest DigiLab level are taken into account.
- If the student requests that (parts of) courses, seminars and/or final thesis should be creditable within the DigiLab, he/she has to make a substantiated request to the examination committee (Prüfungsausschuss). This request has to be supported by the assessment of the module supervisor regarding the way and extent of creditable achievements in terms of DigiLab-Points. In case of final theses, the assessment should be part of the thesis report.
- There are four different levels of the DigiLab certificate:
Further information and list of creditable DigiLab courses
Further information as well as a course list of creditable DigiLab courses are to be found in the following documents:
The list of creditable DigiLab courses ist currently being updated and will be available soon.
German: DigiLab als Zusatz-Zertifikat in den Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen der WiWi-Fakultät
English: DigiLab for study programs in Economics and Business
How do I receive my DigiLab certificate?
To receive a DigiLab certificate, you have to make a respective request. Detailled information on the application are provided in the following document:
German: Wie erhalte ich mein DigiLab-Zertifikat?pdf, 236 kb · de
English: How do I receive my DigiLab certificate?pdf, 162 kb · de
Further documents necessary for the application:
DigiLab_Antrag_de.pdfpdf, 55 kb · de
DigiLab_Uebersicht_de.xlsxxlsx, 25 kb · de (aktuelle Version: v220819)
DigiLab_Antrag_en.pdfpdf, 55 kb · de
DigiLab_Uebersicht_en.xlsxxlsx, 25 kb · de (current version: v220819)