Dr. Jan Goldenstein

Jan Goldenstein, Dr
Jan Goldenstein
Image: Philipp Poschmann
Room 4.137
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link


Dr. Jan Goldenstein is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Chair of Business Administration/Organization, Leadership, and HRM at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. At Jena, he received his bachelor's degree in business administration and economics in 2011 and a master's degree in business education in 2013 with a focus on organizational sociology and organizational psychology. Jan also gained experience as a teacher at a vocational college in Thuringia. After completing his master's degree, he obtained his doctoral degree in business administration with a focus on organizational theory in 2016, funded by a stipend with support through the graduate program of the federal state of Thuringia.

Prior to his studies, Jan pursued an apprenticeship as a communal banker and enjoyed several years of experience in banking. Jan is a member of the Academy of ManagemenExternal linkt (AOM), the European Group of Organizational StudiesExternal link (EGOS), the international network New InstitutionalismExternal link, the Digital Humanities Network of the University of JenaExternal link, and the Jenaer Institute for Vocational Research and Consulting.External linkJan additionally is a member of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHBExternal link),

Finally, Jan is member of the group for Jena Computational Organizational Research Applications (JenCORA).


Articles in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, and books

Poschmann, Philipp; Gerhardt, Lisa-Maria; Hunoldt, Michael; Goldenstein, Jan; Walgenbach, Peter (2024): Global Issues and Transnational Social Spaces: The Attention of Multinational Enterprises to Grand Challenges. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, in press.

Goldenstein, Jan; Walgenbach, Peter (2024): Sayings and Doings in Practices: Enhancing Practice-Driven Institutionalism with Insights from the Philosophy of EmbodimentExternal link. Organization Studies 45(9), 1373-1398.

Goldenstein, Jan; Hunoldt, Michael; Oertel, Simon (2024): How Market Conditions Affect New Ventures' Propensity to Engage in Category SpanningExternal link. Strategic Organization 22(3), 464-494.

Poschmann, Philipp; Goldenstein, Jan; Büchel, Sven; Hahn, Udo (2024): A Vector Space Approach for Measuring Relationality and Multidimensionality of Meaning in Large Text CollectionsExternal link. Organizational Research Methods 24(7), 650-680.

Cloete, Nico et al. (2023): “Outroduction”: A Research Agenda on Collegiality in University SettingsExternal linkResearch in the Sociology of Organizations 87(1), 181-211.

Gerhardt, Lisa-Maria; Goldenstein, Jan; Oertel, Simon; Poschmann, Philipp; Walgenbach, Peter (2023): The Managerialization of Higher Education in Germany and its Consequences: Changes in Job Advertisements for Professorships in German Universities, 1990 to 2010External linkResearch in the Sociology of Organizations 86(1), 59-85.

Goldenstein, Jan; Poschmann, Philipp; Hunoldt, Michael (2023): The Global Orientation of Organizations: An Analysis of the Effects of Global Cultural Rationalization and National Institutional Traditions.External link Journal of Management Studies 60(6), 1584-1623.

Poschmann, Philipp; Goldenstein, Jan (2022): Disambiguating and Specifying Social Actors in Big Data: Using Wikipedia as a Data Source for Demographic InformationExternal link. Sociological Methods & Research 51(2), 887-925.

Jahn, Robert W.; Goldenstein, Jan; Götzl, Mathias (2021): Computerlinguistische Verfahren zur Vermessung wissenschaftsdisziplinärer Kommunikation. Eine exemplarische Studie über die Berufs- und WirtschaftspädagogikExternal link. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 24(5), 1253-1278.

Goldenstein, Jan; Walgenbach, Peter (2021): "How on Earth did this Happen?" The Relationship of Practical Consciousness and Institutional EvolutionExternal link. Organization Theory 2(3), 1-22.

Goldenstein, Jan; Hunoldt, Michael; Oertel, Simon (2021): Factors Influencing the Extent of Category Spanning in New Ventures: The Role of DensityExternal link. Academy of Management Proceedings 1(1): 14417 ("Best Paper" Nomination of Academy of Management Meeting 2021).

Goldenstein, Jan; Walgenbach, Peter (2020): Embodied and Reflexive Agency in Institutional Fields: An Integrative Neo-Institutional Perspective of Institutional ChangeExternal link. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 65(A), 135-152.

Goldenstein, Jan; Poschmann, Philipp (2019): Rejoinder: A Quest for Transparent and Reproducible Text-Mining Methodologies in Computational Social ScienceExternal link. Sociological Methodology 49(1), Online First.

Goldenstein, Jan; Poschmann, Philipp (2019): Analyzing Meaning in Big Data: Performing a Map Analysis Using Grammatical Parsing and Topic ModelingExternal link. Sociological Methodology 49(1), Online First.

Goldenstein, Jan; Hunoldt, Michael; Oertel, Simon (2019): How Optimal Distinctiveness Affects new Ventures' Failure Risk: A Contingency PerspectiveExternal link. Journal of Business Venturing 34(3): 477-495.

Goldenstein, Jan; Poschmann Philipp; Händschke, Sebastian; Walgenbach, Peter (2019): Global and Local Orientation in Organizational Actorhood: A Comparative Study of Large Corporations from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United StatesExternal link. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 6(2): 201-236.

Goldenstein, Jan (2018): Unternehmensverantwortung als Problemlösungsmechanismus gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen? Eine explorative Studie am Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1950-2012External link. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft- und Unternehmensethik 19(1): 74-102 [researchgateExternal link].

Händschke, Sebastian G. M.; Büchel, Sven; Goldenstein, Jan; Poschmann, Philipp; Duan, Tinghui; Walgenbach, Peter; Hahn, Udo (2018): A Corpus of Corporate Annual and Social Responsibility Reports: 280 Million Tokens of balanced Organizational WritingExternal link. ECONLP 2018 Proceedings of the First Workshop on Economics and Natural Language Processing @ ACL 2018. Melbourne: Association for Computational Linguistics: 20-31.

Büchel, Sven; Hahn, Udo; Goldenstein, Jan; Händschke, Sebastian G. M.; Walgenbach, Peter (2016): Do Enterprises Have Emotions?External link. 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis: San Diego: Association for Computational Linguistics:147-153.

Goldenstein, Jan; Spittel, Marcel; Götzl, Mathias (2014): Die didaktische "Fallstudie" im Diskurs. Ergebnisse einer Publikationsanalyse der Jahre 1980-2013External link. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik 110(2): 305-311.

Articles in books and journals

Goldenstein, Jan; Poschmann, Philipp; Walgenbach, Peter (2020): Die Erfassung und Messung von Bedeutungsstrukturen in großen Textsammlungen: Die Nutzung neuartiger Werkzeuge des Natural Language Processing im Neo-InstitutionalismusExternal link. Hasse, R. /Krüger, A. (Eds.): Neo-Institutionalismus Kritik und Weiterentwicklung eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Paradigmas. Bielefeld: Transcript, 215-246.

Goldenstein, Jan; Walgenbach, Peter (2019): An Institutional Perspective on Open Strategy: Strategy in World Society.External link Seidl, D.; Whittington, R.; Von Krogh, G. (Eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Open Strategy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 294-308.

Poschmann, Philipp; Goldenstein, Jan (2018): Unsicherheitsabsorption mit Big DataExternal link. Controlling & Management Review 26(6): 54-57.

Goldenstein, Jan; Walgenbach, Peter (2016): Alles ist gut! Wenn Controlling in die Irre führtExternal link. Controlling & Management Review, Sonderheft 3: 16-21 [Controlling-Organisation - Fit für die Zukunft?].

Goldenstein, Jan; Walgenbach, Peter (2016): Der Neo-Institutionalimus als Theorie kollektiver Praxis: Emergenz, (Re-)Aktivierung und Wandel von InstitutionenExternal link. Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Kollektivwissenschaft 2(1): 121-151 [researchgateExternal link].

Brünner, Kathrin; Goldenstein, Jan; Kuchenbuch, Michaela; Mengs, Josephine; Worch, Jenny (2013): Die Entwicklung eines Qualifizierungskonzeptes für ausbildende Fachkräfte - ein ArbeitsberichtExternal link. Berufsbildungsforschung & -beratung aktuell 2(1): 1-26 [researchgateExternal link].

Götzl, Mathias; Goldenstein, Jan; von Scheven, Marcus (2012): Die Fallstudie: Eine Methode des handlungsorientierten wirtschaftsberuflichen Unterrichts. Am Beispiel des Ausbildungsberufes Industriekaufmann/ -frau im Lernfeld 11 "Investitions- und Finanzierungsprozesse planen".External link Jenaer Arbeiten zur Wirtschaftspädagogik, Reihe A: Kleine Schriften; 34.


Goldenstein, Jan; Hunoldt Michael; Walgenbach, Peter (2018): Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten in den WirtschaftswissenschaftenExternal link. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Goldenstein, Jan (2016): Institutions, Cognition, and Language: The Cultural Meaning of Corporate Responsibility Between Global Homogeneity and Local Variation. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.


  • Funded research projects
    • current project: Formation and change of issue fields: A longitudinal study of the digital transformation in Germany (German Research Foundation)
      more information de.
    • completed project: The cultural construction of corporate responsibility
      (German Research Foundation).
      more information de.
    • completed research network: Microfoundations of Institutions
      (German Research Foundation)
      organized: Prof. Dr. Jost Sieweke (VU Amsterdam). Co-organized: Prof. Dr. Patrick Haack (HEC Lausanne), Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel (FU Berlin)
      more informationExternal link.
  • Research interests
    • Organization Theory
    • Aquisition, transfer, and change of institutions:
      • Globalization and glocalization
      • Organizations as social actors
      • Responsibility and business
    • Dynamics in social spaces
      • Category Spanning
      • Isomprhism in organizational fields
      • Market entry
      • Social Evaluation
    • Linguistics (in special: Cognitive Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics and Natural Language Processing)