Martina Buratti

Martina Buratti
Martina Buratti
Image: privat
  • Ph.D. candidate
  • Project "DUI.REG - Messung des Doing-Using-Interacting-Modus von KMU in strukturschwachen Regionen"


Martina Buratti
Bachstr. 18k, room 202
D-07743 Jena

phone: +49 (0) 3641 9-43196

Consultation hours: by appointment

Main fields of research & interest

  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Intrapreneurship
  • Economics of Innovation


  • Curriculum vitae
    • since 2022
      PhD candidate at the Chair of Microeconomics- Project "DUI.REG - Messung des Doing-Using-Interacting-Modus von KMU in strukturschwachen Regionen"
    • since 2021
      PhD candidate at the Chair of Business Dynamics, Innovation and Economic Change at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • Double master's degree in Economics awarded in 2021, with specialization area in Economics of Innovation, at the University of Insubria Varese, Italy and at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena



  • Publications
  • Teaching
    • summer semester 2022
      Economics of Innovation II - Industrial Dynamics and Evolution: exercise part
      Innovation systems: exercise part
    • summer semester 2021
      Seminar Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development
  • Scholarships, grants & awards

    Best Paper Award for the Track Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Role of Place: Synthesising Insights from Micro, Meso, and Macro-Leve Studies together with Matthias Menter, Uwe Cantner, and James Cunningham for the paper "The immanent dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems: An empirical investigation" at the 2021 R&D Management Conference. link

  • Conferences & workshops

    2021 R&D Management Conference.